Marshal, Please Calm DownCh035 - A’ Mo: The Male God is Everyone’s, Interstellar Coins are an Individual’s


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  1. So what’s Wu Zimo going buy in food?! Evenly with the meeting next chapter, Wu Zimo going be getting skewered dumplings and hot dogs chowing down on them while everybody else is phased with Wu Zimo’s foodie display?!

  2. A’Mo has his priorities straight. The Marshall isn’t his moneypot , yet.

    Going to checkout new project. Thank you

  3. ‘Geniuses are only good at their fields, but stupidly cute in common sense’ is what I think this chapter meant

  4. Yeah, First Militar Academy is mentioned a LOT! We know where they study, couldn’t the author Just say Academy?

    Hehehe. Wu Zimo IS all for the money.

    Thanks for the chapter!