Marshal, Please Calm DownCh028 - Playing a Big Round


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Translator's Note

Dragon: U know Milo is a drink actually?
Shiru: So is Mocca (Mocha), did this author go to a cafe?
Dragon: Argh, I think u r right lol

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  1. I’m interested to learn the extent of Ares’ capabilities.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. Cliffie. Ahhhh. I want to know what you’ve figured out, Lao Yuuu. Thanks for the the update! Great Gid Mo strikes again.

  3. All the cliffs I’m running into today are going to be the death of me ahhhhh!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  4. Thank you for this translation.

    I almost forgot what ares look like.. a ball? Or an egg?

    • In chapters 1 and 2, Wu Zimo described Ares as a half-a-metre-tall object that reminded him of a dinosaur egg from the Jurassic era. So yeah, he’s a big egg.

  5. Callis, darling I have a question… please look here:

    With Wu Zimo’s reminder, Mocca’s teammates immediately had looks of understanding. <– Based on the following conversation, Mocca’s team doesn’t know about the master-sub-system, so shouldn’t it be changed into “Salah’s teammates” or to be more accurate “his (Xiao Mo Mo’s) teammates” ?

  6. It’s good to see a female being the Best sentinel of their team!

    Let’s see the big battle!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. With Wu Zimo’s reminder, Mocca’s teammates immediately had looks of understanding.

    Shouldn’t it be one of WZ teammates that had the understanding considering that Mocca doesn’t know about the master-sub system?