Marshal, Please Calm DownCh013 - On the Importance of Weighing One’s Abilities and Acting Accordingly


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Shiru: +1

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  1. Somehow Salah wrapping his spirit animal around Lyle is so cute. I need more sentinel and guide settings in my life.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. Dog food is dog food!

    This single dog will still eat it, but I want other flavored dog food please.

    A MarshalxWuZimo flavored one, please!

  3. Wu Zimo tactic would be tug of war with the caterpillars Zergs with a fallen tree and bash?

  4. Callis, I finally know Who is the boy in your avatar!! I recently started reading Cherry Blossoms after winter and I love it!! Haebom is so cute!

    Well, well. About the novel… Salah is shameless! Fufufu.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. MC eating dogfood of Lyle and Salah while ML eating dogfood of Rocard and Sima Hua, I pity both though I also am looking forward to the most adorable couple Egg and Mr. Panther

  6. I somehow passed out while reading this and ended up reading a completely different novel 🤣 I was like who are these people again? Why does everyone know who they are? Is it April Fool’s again? 😅 It took me a 10 min to realize I was in one of my other bookmarked novels I finished