Marshal, Please Calm DownCh007 - Classified as an Egg With the Ability to Sell Meng


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Translator's Note

Of the secret, adulterous kind

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  1. Liking this so far. It’s a bit of a slow start, but I am liking the side characters Lyle, Salah, the panther and of course Ares! Thanks Callis for picking this up

  2. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px ‘Helvetica Neue’}

    Thanks for the chapter! Oh my, Pair 2… the silent type would be suitor to go with a sunny, sweet guy…

  3. I’m laughing. Salah in my language means ‘wrong’. So I’m a bit amused by this guy name. It’s so anti mainstream name. Unique. thumbs up

    Thx for the chapter! And god Mo don’t relax immediately, guard your little flower because there’s dangers lurking around. Hehe.

  4. haha my BL senses are tingling! Another ship spotted! thanks for the update

  5. tbh it still makes absolutely no sense that he can still be a top student even with that brain lol

    a tech genius from even ten years ago transferring over at university age would have no chance, not to mention crossing thousands of years

    • I don’t think so. There are some geniuses even a few decades ago, who were simply born at the wrong time. They had even theoretically envisaged what they could do given the hardware. So I imagine him being able to cope because the hardware improved as well as software packages that aid programming.

      • Even though that’s the case no one would be able to transition so quickly, even if the base language is the same

        Perhaps those geniuses were born in the wrong time, but they couldn’t possibly skip a hundred years after living in the past and perfectly grasp everything to a level that would still be considered genius in the new era

  6. Ares: selling meng! (>﹏<)

    It’s super effective! Caesar: KO-ed due to blood loss

    MC, don’t underestimate your quantum beast 😅😄

  7. Ara ara, we already have the side CP established lolol

    Hmmmm i can kinda see Winged Panther x Meng Egg as the mascot CP

  8. I mistook Borg as Berg and that leads to the theory that Berg is a Zerg in disguise. Was gonna question his parents on why they would name him that but it turned out his name is Borg.

    Borg makes me kind of worry :/

    The problem was solve so quickly and it was not even by Wu Zimo. I keep thinking that Hacker F was gonna reborn in this era too and become a troublesome opponent…

    When you think it from normal transmigration, Borg seems to be the more candidate.

    An Mediocre/terrible Sentinel…school official blaming him…expelled…

    Borg, don’t just go off and die ok. Cause I dont wanna see F (unless he is weak and easy solvable)

  9. The password apparently isn’t working for me, I joined the discord just a bit ago.

    Asking for help!! Really want to read this chapter!😭😭😭