21st Century Journey to the WestCh1 - Appearance of the Golden Cicada

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.



Chrysanthemum Garden.


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  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    Oh he actually does know the “even more dangerous behind you” cliche.

    • That’s because they are different takes on the same person (Son Goku is just the Japanese name for Sun Wukong). This and Saiyuki are both based on the original Journey to the West.

      • I know, just feeling they’re similiar a bit on term of appearance. Personality? Well, seems like it will be different.

        • Ah gotcha! You’re right, their character designs are similar, especially the hair and when Goku goes into his feral mode. Though from some art I’ve seen on LOFTER, seems like Saiyuki!Goku is more childlike and has a sunnier personality? And this Wukong is more serious and angry?? I skimmed the raws but didn’t really follow 😔 Ahh I’m so excited to see translated chapters!

  2. As a Chinese person, I’ve grown up watching the journey to the west, I’ve also watched many versions of it as they have come out (I’ve watched it so much I’ve literally memorized the plot). I just love how there are many funny details in this chapter that only people who’ve paid a lot of attention to the original story will get. (Honestly, the plot was awesome but the special effects sucked)

    Although Wukong is OP af, he looks so cute in this manga!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Aaahhhhhhhhhh

    I’m hyperventilating gosshhh

    Thank you for this treasure ahahahahahahhdndjsndbxbdndjdbxjdkshdhd

    Dang shsjejdjsjdjdjsjdhdbd

    I’m so happy love it

    This lowly student expresses her gratitude ah

    Thank youಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ(*^3^)/~♡

  4. OMG OMG OMG IM SO PSYCHED FOR THIS AHHHHH!!! Wu Kong looks so badass 😭😭😭thank you for the translation! The art is gorgeous. Love love love this concept of modern 西游记 ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️

  5. OMG I LOVE THIS PREMISE! Thank you for translating, looking forward to more 😀

    omg Wukong is so cute hehehe

  6. Thanks for the chapter!!! I think I’m going to 😍 this Manga! (Manhua)

    I so love Journey To The West in any form! 🦊👾