Too Bad Master Died EarlyCh81 - Restraint


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  1. Mu He! Bad! Bad touch! :spray with hose:

    We’re making progress but we need to talk more about the definition of force!

    I would blame your teacher, but, well…

  2. This this this——

    I don’t know a word to express what i want to say…..but Damn!!!!

    Its my first time reading that the ML use the others hand to jerk himself, worse when the person is even asleep.

    Hallelujah…… world view has expanded again.

  3. Mu He has truly expanded my horizons on the limits of yandere disciple behaviours😨 This is waaaay over the line wtf

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. 😂😂😂… he.. uh.. level up I guess . oh god Mu He.. you really have a lot of dirty ideas in your head 🤣😂

  5. How does XZ still have callouses in his hands? After soaking in the spring for four years I would think they’d be gone by now since it mentioned his skin got rejuvenated