Too Bad Master Died EarlyCh79 - Coercion


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  1. well! that sure happened! thank you for all your hard work putting out the releases this weekend, this story is really having it’s way with the readers LOL i’m nervous about what’s gonna happen next

  2. Mu He is having a very strong reaction to rejection but at the same time I feel like Xie Zhiwei’s reaction triggered his need to possess up 1000 notches, his shock was so big all he could think of was to run which made the situation worse.

  3. My daughter came to rescue! MH you went to far… And you disappointed me :< It’s never good thing to humiliate and force your beloved no matter what… <(`^´)>

    Thank You for the new chapter (*’∀’人)♥ Amazing FA! So beautiful ❤

  4. Mu He, why wouldn’t he compare you to Ming Kong? Aren’t you using his kindness to trap him? Aren’t you deciding that your desires are more important than his consent? Maybe you haven’t escalated to his end result, but you’re certainly currently treading the same path.

    Ai, this child~ I know that you’re upset and having a negative reaction to Red Lotus (and everything else) at the moment, but someone needs to knock some sense into you. I just don’t know who will… Hey, black lotus bro, come back and give moral education! Our shizi needs a refresher course!

  5. Our Golden Lotus Queen coming in to knock some sense and morals to our ml <333.

    Tantai Meng, teach that unfilial disciple how to love shizun properly!

  6. Ah our Mu He is going through a rebellious stage – not listening to his Shizun anymore. Lights a candle for XZW. Thank you for the chapters!

  7. I’m quite disappointed with Mu He 😔

    consent suddenly disappeared from his vocabulary