Love The VillainCh78 - Meeting Dong Feipeng


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  1. Thank gawd…atleast we meet one character after so many chapters of hypocrites that is sort of normal nd not have bad intentions from the get go…

    Thanks for the update❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thanks for the chapter!

    This Dong Feipeng seems like a sensible character… maybe they’ll be friends in the future…

    I’m still feeling a bit sad for Wang Jiang, poor boy doesn’t seem to really be conniving? only talkative?

    Really, is this Zhang family full of snakes?

  3. Finally one decent person…. Not going for drama, complaining, claiming benefits they don’t deserve. Dong Feipeng is ready to pay for the services he requests and doesn’t make baseless and biased assumptions… finally someone reasonable

  4. Making friends and doing business…or at least meeting decent cultivators and cultivating future prospects! Hahaha! Thanks again for all the translating! 🤣❤️