Love The VillainCh60 - Add Another Person


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  1. Cultivating here, cultivating there, bugs chewing out extra spiritual roots, lalala! Lmao! Thanks for the updates! 🤣❤️🤣❤️🤣❤️

  2. No matter how much I look at it, Mufeng still got the bigger part of the bargain, how smart😆

    Thank you for the update~

  3. The meeting of the foxes ended nicely. I just hope the city lord doesn’t end up wanting to imprison him. 🧐

  4. The mindset of cultivators are really terrifying… they don’t care about a lot of pain… only that they can have good qualifications and good advancement…

    I don’t think I’ll be able to live in this kind of world 😰

    Thanks for the chapter!!!