Love The VillainCh115 - Medium Grade Spiritual Water


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  1. Don’t belittle yourself JX! You’re amazing! Talented! You became a great swordsman at a very young age! Caring! Considerate! Loyal! Straightforward!

    There are lots of good things about you… Cheer up!

  2. Kyaaaa …. Too cute…. I also want to see the lewd JX…..

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  3. Gasp they’re SO cute! Also the old man being a guinea pig is so funny to me XD

    Thank you for the update ♡

  4. It’s good that JX no longer cares about what others think, but I just wish it didn’t hinge on what LM thought of him. While we know LM is not going to change his opinion of JX, I hope JX can truly find his self worth and think he is awesome just because he himself thinks he is awesome