Let Me Live!Ch54 - Nation’s Number One Defender (6)


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Translator's Note

A novel following the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of an impoverished student after they commit murder. Wiki page here.

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  1. It’s good translation and much thanks for translation. But i really wanted to call quit because of hai ri i can’t stand thi self sacrificing behaviour on cost of someone else emotions. I feel so bad for sheng canyang that He finally trusted someone yet the person is only thinking about how he can get away with it, how it is love?even as someone who suffered so much from depression i really can’t fathom the fact that someone so close to me lie about life and death just because they think it is right thing to do. Even as a fictional character. Goodness i might not read it to the end.

    • I think Hai Ri is still terrified in his heart that Sheng Canyang only loves him because he is a Protector and naturally evokes such feelings. Plus, he was going to die either way because of all the despair he absorbed. From his perspective, it’s better to ensure Sheng Canyang gets rid of his illness and goes back (since he won’t remember anything, he won’t be upset by it either), at the same time fulfilling his duty to the world (which is really important to him since it’s been his whole life for many years), and leaving the world a way to survive as well (which saves hundreds of thousands of people). Otherwise, he confesses to Sheng Canyang, who then feels pressure to become the leadership whatever position when they’re not even sure if he is (but mentally he’s definitely not ready for it), Hai Ri also has to then abandon his post and betray all his friends, colleagues, and the world, which we don’t know if it’s even possible for him to do. And he will still continue to suffer from all the despair he absorbed. He would have to be really self-confident to make that decision, which he is not. And he is very obviously wavering between the two options a lot. Personally, I love his character. Yes, his choice might not be correct, but it’s very human. And it’s not like Sheng Canyang is any better in the “lying to his partner for their good” aspect. They both conceal plenty of stuff from each other and know it about the other.