Let Me Live!Ch38 - Inkling (2)


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  1. ”Yang-ge suddenly said he heard the whale talk” – I think it should be Hai-ge?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. I wonder what the whale was talking about and what Hai Ri heard. I’m afraid it has something to do with our lovelies. 😰

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • I think it has something to do with aging in this place, every detail of the whale seemed to play into old age and rot, which I dont think has to do with those who have left the space but rather those unwilling to leave

  3. I really feel like HR has a deeper connection to this other world. He seems to have been here before, and maybe even SCY has as well, considering how quickly they had feelings for each other as though they’ve known one another for a long time. The mention was of HR having to tried to kill himself before when he was young, and him stating that whales were one of his favorite animals in the beginning of the story seems like to much a coincidence to me