Let Me Live!Ch30 - Fire Girl (16)


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  1. Maybe Fire (deceased) wasn’t his biological daughter, but an adopted look-a-like? He loved and hated her for being the only survivor? Could that be the significance of the painting? 🤔

    I don’t know. My brain already hurts from trying to catch up. 😵‍💫

    And with the pills, I saw one sentence that said: “One bottle contained ten pills, so there should be 99 pills remaining.” Shouldn’t it be 100 pills?

    And thanks for the chapter!

  2. So how did the entire dead family feel that it was fair for them to die too to accompany the family? But he knew that his daughter would call him crazy, but he didn’t want room for arguments, he killed her and thus eliminated his only path, leaving him with no options other than to die!