Let Me Live!Ch29 - Fire Girl (15)


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  1. Please don’t let that creep return. Please, please, please! I don’t want him to upset our sweet sons. 🥺

    Thanks for the chapter.

  2. »Hai R said, “We don’t understand, but he doesn’t want to be..« Hai Ri

    Tf, SCY also has some creepy people lusting after him. Okay, that “front desk” guy is a cute, smoll rabbit compared to that guy :’D

    Just be around your walking medicine bottle a little bit longer :3

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  3. I feel like the killer is the father. Who would keep the painting of the family killed by fire landing in front of a bonfire? Also, the mental problem could be like: every day my daughter looks more like my wife, she must be coming back from the dead to haunt me for not saving her, so kill her.