Let Me Live!Ch22 - Fire Girl (8)


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Translator's Note

Slang for someone’s first love, often a cherished memory that they can gaze upon and reminisce but cannot actually have or hold.

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    • But I cried inside when Sheng Canyang said he had gone back before but pulled his own life support out. I wonder how the future will play out for them.

      Thanks for the chapter!

    • Uh actually HR only agreed for SCY to woo him…so they’re not ‘officially’ together yet…

      But I think we all know HR would agree to be official in a flash, he’s just being considerate to SCY 😄

  1. For the first time Scy thought of going back and try to live or am I misunderstanding something here? It’s sad to know that even with that, he cannot be sure if he could endure living so he wanted Hr to really think about it.