Let Me Live!Ch21.1 - Fire Girl (7)


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  1. I don’t know what to think of that Tang Yin girl. Is she good or bad for our main couple?

    Thanks for the chapter.

    • Mm, I personally find her really chill. It’s not like she’ll be able to straighten (?) either of them. Though it does seem her game strategy might be to convince people to ‘die'(live)/get eliminated- she seems manipulative.

  2. Wow, her parents really suck Dx In which age are they living to force their own child into death? Tsk.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

    • It’s really unfortunate how prevalent that thought process is too all over the globe. In Japan a polictian was ‘forced’ to commit suicide (honor dying) as a result of an accusation on him (which may or may not be false, who knows). In India there was a very famous case of a wealthy family driving their daughter to commit suicide because she fell IN LOVE with a poorer guy. There’s atleast several famous cases regarding people being pushed to suicide all over the globe and it’s honestly sickening.