Life is a GameCh24 - Everyone’s true faces

Xi Yang was rubbing his neck awkwardly, looking at a vase when Jian Lin came inside. Seeing the other man, Xi Yang’s whole face lit up. “Jian Lin!”

“Mnn”, Jian Lin hummed softly, stopping a good step away from Xi Yang. RdxZsi

Xi Yang’s eyes roamed over Jian Lin’s face. He ended up laughing. “Ah, now I know who your dad is, too. You really look similar! Say, you know all this stuff, right? Sit next to me, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do!”

“Uncle Zhao is going to make us something simple”, Jian Lin explained, but sat down next to Xi Yang anyway.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xi Yang had never cared too much about him being rich, and even now, after knowing who his father was, he hardly cared.

Instead, they talked about Haven for a long time until the next person arrived. wrbEtR

White Light surprised the both of them a bit. He had only done interviews with his characters, never appearing with his real face, meaning they both saw him for the first time.

White Light was wearing black pants and a dress-shirt. His short black hair was neatly combed, and the plain gray glasses on his nose looked quite stylish in the overall combination. He appeared neat and orderly, like a reliable gentleman.

“It’s nice to meet you two in reality”, he greeted with a business-smile. “I’m Chen Xiao. Do you mind if I take this seat?”

Chen Xiao pointed at the other free seat next to Jian Lin. Jian Lin hurriedly shook his head. “Go ahead. I’m Jian Lin.”


“Xi Yang”, the third of the group threw into the room. “You look like a white collar worker. I kind of didn’t expect that.”

“Aah… I have to make sure to look proper. It’s important”, Chen Xiao said very slowly.

He did not appear to be willing to talk more about it, so they dropped the topic and went back to Haven.

Spiderlily and Knightrider entered the room at the same time, z3fHu1

Knightrider – Qi Zhao – looked the same as in the game, but Spiderlily – Qin Lan – had changed her appearance a bit. She was more petite, but with slanted eyes that made her appear a bit fiercer.

The introduction round returned. Qi Zhao looked somewhat unhappy at being unable to sit next to Jian Lin, but he didn’t openly comment on it. Qin Lan meanwhile smoothed her pretty summer dress and found herself a place in the corner.

Because of a mistake of the manager, Absinth was also invited. She came next, strutting into the room on high heels. She was quite pretty with her pitch-black locks, the type that was used to being complimented. She sat down, introduced herself as Feng Guang, and looked around. “Where’s that dwarf and the weird kid?”

Xi Yang’s eye twitched. “Little Droplet can’t come. Blackstone said she might be a bit late but will be here soon.” NAEOVl

“Tsk. So we gotta wait before ordering. Hey, this is your place, right? Can’t they bring in something to eat already?” Feng Guang took off her sunglasses and pointed them rudely at Jian Lin.

Before Xi Yang could flare up, Chen Xiao reacted first. His business-smile was unwavering. “It’s only just the meeting time. I don’t think waiting for a couple of minutes is too much, is it? It’s quite rude to start eating without everyone, especially in such a high-class place.”

Uncle Zhao’s VIP area was glowing with the words prestigious and expensive. Feng Guang had to swallow her impatience. “Stupid dwarf. Making everyone wait.”

“I apologize for that.” 3G4o1h

The clear voice echoed through the room.

Everyone turned towards the door, where a waiter had let the last person inside.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Blackstone wore golden high heels that wrapped perfectly around her feet. The long legs vanished under a swaying black dress. Golden earrings and a single bracelet adorned her darker brown skin, while her naturally black and curly hair was put up in a loose and playful bun.

Ktf kbwjc kjixfv bnfg jcv abbx atf ijra rfja cfza ab Hlc Ojc. Vtf rwlifv, rtbklcu meaf ilaaif mjclcfr, jcv qijmfv tfg tjcvyju cfza ab tfg offa. WYNlPs

“Hi. I’m Liu Jia, but you can call me JiaJia”, she said, in the same practised tone that you could hear in every single of the actresses’ interviews. “Alternatively you can call me Amber, but people here aren’t too used to that name, so let’s go with my Chinese one. I have to say, I’m glad the shooting finished in time. Thanks for booking this place for us, Ice Emperor. I’ve been here before – the food is excellent!”

Lfg ktbif vfwfjcbeg tjv rklamtfv ab bcf bo j qgbofrrlbcji mfifyglas. Aljc Olc xcfk atja yftjnlbeg ogbw tlr wbatfg, ktb boafc vlv atf rjwf ktfc rtf kjcafv ab jrrfga vbwlcjcmf bnfg tfg rlyilcur.

Feng Guang looked green with envy. “You are the dwarf? Impossible.”

“Why?” Liu Jia cutely blinked. She leaned on her elbow, smiling peacefully. A familiar face, a familiar body, mostly because she could be found in high-class advertisements for skin care and an expensive clothing brand. “Can’t I play a dwarf? I watch anime, too. It’s my hobby. My work doesn’t interfere with my hobby.” a2l4pQ

“I really need to ask for an autograph later”, Jian Lin heard Chen Xiao whisper under his breath. The usually composed man was a bit excited at meeting someone who basically lived on the catwalk and in front of the camera.

That the little dwarf they all knew turned out to be a celebrity came as a surprise to everyone. It was like two different people, but as she herself had said – work and hobby weren’t the same. It was still the same melodious voice and bright personality as inside the game.

“But enough of that! I still have to hear your names!” Liu Jia laughed sweetly, looking at Jian Lin and Qin Lan in particular.

Introductions resumed one last time, then they could order. As promised, the dishes were simple enough that the commoners of the group weren’t overwhelmed with unfamiliar specialities. Liu Jia also looked happy at the simple but tasty food. SP5 HV

“I’m thankful that Little Droplet isn’t here today”, Liu Jia sighed sometime after the main course, before the dessert arrived. Her voice held a hint of a challenge. “I’d feel bad for them. After all, their last meeting with everyone didn’t end too well. On that note, Little Lan, are you okay?”

Qin Lan needed a solid minute to react to being called Little Lan. She looked torn between embarrassment and shyness. “It’s alright. I didn’t have a high synchronisation rate.”

“Do you have a problem with me?” Feng Guang showed her teeth in a wide smirk. “Isn’t it just a game? Come on, you don’t get to the top by waiting for others. Everyone’s for themselves.”

As a high ranker, Chen Xiao felt the need to speak up. He set his glass onto the table with an audible sound. “I beg to differ. Reaching the top is done best if you know how to work together with others.” A308Y6

“Oh, you shut up, rich boy.” Feng Guang rolled her eyes. “Not everyone can buy people to get them stuff.”

Chen Xiao breathed in deeply in an attempt to calm himself, but his forehead was beginning to scrunch. “I am an orphan who grew up with no money. I financed my studies with part-time jobs. Most of the money I earn in the game goes back to the orphanage as well as my three siblings who are still growing, just for your information.”

“I am the rich child”, Jian Lin managed to speak up. “But I play mostly solo.”

“I’m rich as well”, Liu Jia couldn’t help but add, swirling her drink as if it was wine. “And I’m only a lifestyle player.” 0hRSEu

“Of course raising your level like that is possible, but everyone knows it. You don’t earn anyone’s respect that way… especially not the company’s. All the rankers’ advantages are given out freely by the company, and if they don’t like you, you won’t get any advertisements or chances to play beta. That’s how it is.” Xi Yang relaxed in his chair.

While many played for glory, there was also a substantial amount who was after the advantages that rankers got.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

However, those weren’t fixed.

Being a ranker only meant you were likely to fall under the eyes of the company, but they were the ones who ultimately chose who they wanted to show in commercials, or who got access to which beta content. Many participants of the beta tests were lifestyle players, and not those with the highest skills. The company had its own thoughts. mfDen0

Feng Guang looked livid, but she was obviously too stubborn to either leave or admit her fault.

“Stop whining”, she said without a hint of guilt. “It’s not like I had time to hand in the info yet or anything. I got thrown out of the game like everyone else did.”

Xi Yang, who knew the reason for that, involuntarily looked at Jian Lin. The other man was holding his glass with both hands and continuously turning it – a sign of nervosity. If he wasn’t holding his glass, he’d have his fingers on his lap, scratching over the hem of his shirt.

Feng Guang wasn’t actively talking against him, but Jian Lin’s head was filled with the diffuse feeling of anxiety. Everything right now was not comfortable. It wasn’t only Feng Guang, it was also the tense atmosphere, the fact that he was hiding something, and the remnant tension from going outside. bLxnUg

Xi Yang’s eyes flickered up to Chen Xiao, who had likewise noticed Jian Lin’s growing discomfort. He exchanged glances with the man, whose eyebrows were beginning to twist with subtle worry.

“I believe with how everything is going, you will be fine if the party splits?”, he spoke up. “You do your thing, we do ours. World quests are flexible – I’m sure it will adjust.”

“Fine with me”, Feng Guang declared haughtily. She looked over to Jian Lin, a condescending grin on her face. “You’re paying, right? I’ll be going then.”

Without a word of actual goodbye, she stood up and left the room. FAHJ3o

Rude.” Liu Jia said the word in a neutral tone. As a celebrity, she was too used to brats like Feng Guang. She wasn’t going to let it get to her, although that didn’t mean she agreed with her behaviour. Returning back to Blackstone’s trademark smile, she winked at Jian Lin. “Finally the mood is better, right? I actually wanted to say that I’ve worked with your mother before. She’s even more gorgeous in reality!”

“Thanks”, Jian Lin responded after a moment of surprise.

“I’ll take half of the bill, by the way. It’s not fair to let you pay on your own.”

“It’s not a problem.” Jian Lin shook his head, eyes on the door. “There’s nothing to pay for. The owner is a friend.” 54YDQN

“I should ask you the next time I need a venue for my guild’s meeting, then”, Qi Zhao spoke up. He had mostly kept himself out of the discussion, as if he couldn’t be bothered to deal with Feng Guang.

Jian Lin nodded. He nodded even though he didn’t want to agree, but rejecting it meant he had to explain why. If he did that, he’d have to start a whole discussion in case Qi Zhao decided to argue.

“But that would be pretty awkward for Jian Lin”, Liu Jia interjected. It came naturally, with the perfect amount of surprise and confusion.

“Hm?” 5nJwcd

It was Qin Lan who reacted to it. She did not lose all of the elegance her character had, but her petite form ended up softening the cold edge of the elven race.

Both Qin Lan and Jian Lin had a number of identical mannerisms, and yet he could tell the basic difference between the two of them. Likely, she could too. Even if they acted the same, the reason was different.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Where both people sat quietly, only making minor movements, Jian Lin’s stillness stemmed from not wanting to stand out, while hers was a natural calmness.

Liu Jia was very willing to explain. “This place is pretty popular. The common rooms are always booked out, so you have to contact them weeks in advance. This VIP area is different, but only because the owner is the one who decides who gets a VIP pass. Imagine that Haven players could walk into here regularly – it would make a lot of people very annoyed. We could come here today because it was a favor for Jian Lin.” PdD7AB

“I have no idea about this place but it is pretty fancy”, Xi Yang agreed. He rarely saw restaurants that put up real plants, let alone orchids.

“I don’t think I can give the food here the respect it deserves”, Chen Xiao sighed.

“Hm, I see.” Qi Zhao’s finger tapped on the table. “Well, maybe Jian Lin has another place he could suggest.”

Under his old friend’s gaze, Jian Lin gave in again. “I’ll check.” JImaLH

Of course he felt like a pushover. This was one reason why it was convenient that he did not mind playing alone – no one could push him around if he avoided too much contact with people in the first place.

Chen Xiao naturally switched to a topic that was more comfortable for Jian Lin – something as impersonal as possible. “Now that Absinth is officially out, is there anything else we wish to do when we return to the game? I believe it would be for the best if us remaining players in the mountain teleport back to the capital so we can inform the prince immediately.”

“Absinth has likely talked to him already. It’s better to react quickly. However, I am not sure if our current information is enough?” Qi Zhao’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

“What did you find?” CQiRO2

“The guards we saw seem to be the only ones. There is no sign of more weapons or armor anywhere. In addition, there are no common guards.” Qi Zhao reported his findings, then looked at Chen Xiao with lifted eyebrows.

Chen Xiao continued. “I did not spot any other guards, either. Rather than that, I spotted a number of NPCs that were servants… Cooks, maids, butlers, all that. Please don’t ask me where the cooks get their ingredients from, though!”

“I made it inside the castle. I ended up in some kind of library, which was filled to the brim with history books. I’m pretty sure we could get tons of lore inside there. I also listened to some people talk – the castle’s owner is only one king. No queen or children.” Xi Yang added his information next.

Lastly, Jian Lin had to speak. He licked his lips, eyes moving away from everyone. lCuZhk

For some reason, Liu Jia’s eyes narrowed for half a second when they met Jian Lin’s, but she quickly gave him an encouraging smile.

“I also listened to conversations. The staff seems to like their leader a lot, but he is sickly. I also… also saw him from afar, and he doesn’t look too good.”

“Doesn’t look too good? What do you mean by that?” Qi Zhao prodded for more.

“He looks like… like he has a bad cold. Like he’s got a fever and a headache and can’t concentrate.” zZnUiM

“Do you think he might die on us?” Liu Jia leaned on her elbows and tapped her fingers on the table, thinking.

Jian Lin didn’t like that thought too much. Who would like watching an NPC looking like himself wasting away and dying?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Maybe sometime, but probably not yet. It would complicate an already complicated first part of a world quest even further.” Qi Zhao shook his head. “Spiderlily… Qin Lan, where are you and Little Droplet right now?”

“We are near the respawn point. Little Droplet wanted to go buy a couple of things since we had to wait anyway.” hI7W1G

“Are they ok?” Liu Jia’s eyebrows scrunched up with worry. “And you, too? Being betrayed by Absinth like that…”

Qin Lan exhaled slowly. Her eyelashes fluttered, covering her eyes and the emotions inside. “I won’t say I’m happy. Little Droplet looked disappointed, but they cheered up quickly.”

“Alright. When we can log back into the game, I’ll teleport over right away.”

Liu Jia smiled – it was blinding, instantly reminding everyone why this person was a celebrity. Even a simple smile made one want to stare at her, simply because she was that attractive. TPDuWI

Author’s note

I wrote Blackstone, then decided, this girl is going to be the most gorgeous out of the whole damn group in reality. Who says beauties can’t play dwarves?
The first arc is probably going to be a bit shorter than I originally planned but the second arc has more rpg-like stuff happening so I think that’s fine…?

Little Theater

Ice: “(She’s really pretty…)”
Bloody: “My senses are tingling! I feel threatened!”
Blackstone: “:)”
Blackstone: “A beauty in each arm. Ice, Spiderlily, why don’t you come to me~?”
Spiderlily: “(…Tempted.)”
Ice: “(…………Tempted.)”
Bloody: “Nnnnnnooo!!!!” k0D45R

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  1. Xi Yang’s face lighting up 😌 so good

    Is White Light/Chen Xiao dressing up nicely for Jian Lin/Ice? XD

    Author….you invited Absinth for the Dramaz right?????


    And I see that Absinth/Feng Guang was indeed there for the drama right?????

    Liu Jia looking at Jian Lin and Qin Lan….the cute ones? XD

    Also the little theatre….HAHAH it’s finee, Bloody, you can take Ice’s other free arm!

    Blackstone: This is my boyfriend (Ice) and this is his boyfriend (Bloody)

    Bloody: happy he was called Ice’s boyfriend

    Bloody: WAIT, Ice is not your boyfriend too!

    • White Light is facing some discrimination because he’s an orphan, so he’s trying to look as proper as possible at all times so no one can say he’s not good because of his upbringing C:

      Blackstone likes beautiful people indeed xD She wouldn’t fight Bloody for Ice but…. Doesn’t mean she’s not tempted to tease him by trying.

      And yes. Absinth is there for pure drama and annoying others (even though she’s far from being most annoying character number 1 in this story, you just wait)

      • 🥺 White Light 🥺🥺 Good thing I like him more than that Knight guy…

        Also Blackstone teasing others ….🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

  2. When White Light sat next to Ice I was just like “Yes! Now Knightrider can’t sit next to him harhar.”. And then Knightrider arrived and was so displeased bc of that lolol (Why didn’t that guy just leave with that high and mighty bitch Absinth? D:) That Blacky is a celeb in RL was a nice surprise haha (and how pissed off Absinth was bc of that lol).

    Okay, I was already at Knightrider but that guy…. srsly? Wanting you and who knows how many from your guild to eat for free/a super high discount at a high end restaurant again and again? And being serious about that? Please just go, go and never come back D:

    And I’m a bit worried about their quest now. Now that Absinth officially betrayed them.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. why did she narrow her eyes at him? that’s suspicious.

    and sheesh, that guy saying he can use that place for his guild meetings. on the basis of what? their old friendship? ugh

    thanks for the chapter <3