Killing ShowCh38 - District N7


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Translator's Note

I’ve already mentioned in Chapter 13 that “healing” is related to any character or work that can make the audience feel healed, comfortable, or calm.

Translator's Note

Cue cards, also known as note cards, are cards with words written on them that help actors and speakers remember what they have to say. They are typically used in television productions where they can be held off-camera and are unseen by the audience.

Translator's Note

Probably something like this:wasteland style sofa

Translator's Note

craft knife

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  1. Poor Bai Lin and everyone involved.

    Xia Tian, Bai Jingan and Dee Dee are totally in contrast to this dark world! They are like fireflies emitting light in a place engulfed in darkness.

    Thanks for the chapter!