Killing ShowCh35 - Do You Still Want to Have Fun?


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Translator's Note

Literally it translates to ‘Surface Era’ or ‘Earth Era’, and I don’t know if it should be translated differently. I also don’t know if the author has actually divided the era of this world because I haven’t read the whole story. So I might change this translation later if need be.

Translator's Note

A money squandering den refers to a place where a huge amount of money is spent, for example, brothels, cabaret and casinos.

Translator's Note

The contract requires them to stay at the banquet, or any similar event required to be attended, for 2 hours minimum, but he stayed for 3 hours.

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  1. Thank you so much for translating this, it’s a pleasure to read. As someone with zero language skills, I am in awe of you. I binge read it within a few hours

  2. An interview? Nothing good is gonna happen then. Reporters must also be shitty as fuck. Good luck Xia Tian!

    Thank you for the chapter!