I Love FarmingCh40.1 - The First Step Towards Prosperity (Part One)


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Translator's Note

Radio calisthenics are warm-up calisthenics performed to music and guidance from radio broadcasts. They are popular in Japan and parts of China and Taiwan.

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  1. ah yes RADIO CALISTHENIC one of the definition of PAIN since I need to do these so damn early in the morning and i need to do these for at least 2 rounds. school is hell aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh and its scary. I want to cry.

    WELP ,at least BL is saving me a bit huehhehehehe

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Am I the only one who is uncomfortable with all the mention of slaves and slavery? I’ve been trying to ignore it explaining it away as the slaves being there before CQC entered but with him actively getting more and more slaves, the novel is becoming more icky.

    • Hello. I’m sorry you feel uncomfortable with it. But I would like to clarify that the author’s intention was never to treat “slaves” as the real “slaves” in history.

      I think it’s mentioned in the text that Cui QiChao getting slaves is to also help improve their lives. But he has never treated them as slaves and wanted to abolish the slave trade in the future. In the context of that era, it’s impossible for his people to accept these people who were either criminals (thieves) or people who flee to their territory without these two groups of people first being slaves. Besides, he has never mistreated the slaves. In fact, the goal of getting slaves was to help out with farm work, and they are more treated like employees that could learn a new skill than slaves. If he doesn’t capture these people as slaves, these people would be criminals and may possibly attack him again. This was why Cui QiChao captured them and allowed them to learn a skill. To avoid spoiling everybody, I will not mention what else he did for the slaves. This will be revealed in future chapters.

      • Thanks for the reply and for clarifying the matter. I’m just particularly sensitive to stories involving slaves and slavery. It’s nice to learn more about the author’s intentions, I’ll keep on reading to see more as I particularly love this story.

        • Thank you for being so nice and understanding about it and thank you for not giving up the story 😢It’s always good to have readers like you pointing this out