I Love FarmingCh39.1 - Takeaway Slaves (Part One)


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Translator's Note

Chinese Pancakes:

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  1. I’m hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i want pancakessss as welllllllllllllllllllllll

    Thank you for the chapter!and happy mid- autumn festivalll !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for the chapter 😘

    And happy mid-autumn festival!!

    All these food and the current festival made me think of moon cakes… Especially snow skin moon cakes, they look so aesthetically pleasing, and surprisingly have lower calories compared to traditional moon cakes!!! (If I’m not wrong) 🥮🥮🥮

    • Oh wait!

      Not all snow skin moon cakes are healthier as some might contain higher calorie ingredients. But do control your binge eating! Not very good to over eat, it’s very hard to loose the weight that you gain (;∀;)

      Sorry for the misconception >_<