I Love FarmingCh26.2 - The Cat Is Useless (Part Two)


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Translator's Note

Egg dumpling and soup:

Translator's Note

Fried green veg:

Translator's Note

Spinach Soup:

Translator's Note

Mala spicy fish:

Translator's Note

Pine nuts and corn:

Translator's Note

Honey Peach:

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  1. Thanks for the chapter~~ sad Xiao Bai being described as useless… I’m in agreement that Xiao Bai should be able to slap CQC’s face!

  2. You’ll take back what you said soon enough dear student.


    Thank you for the chapter ~💜

  3. You are not the same. That little Exotic Shorthair is a pet cat. You are a working cat.

    Cui Qichao opened a new world to me . In the past i always want to be a cat , whenever i see one , coz they don’t have to do anything , just lay down and eat . But now i was informed that there are different types of cat (pet cat & working cat) ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ nvm just stay as it is.

    Anyways thanks for the chapter (≧▽≦)