I Love FarmingCh26.1 - The Cat Is Useless (Part One)


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Translator's Note

lmao literally revealing his freaking balls! I’m assuming the author wrote it this way as the cat was back facing people. I found a pic of a black and white cat’s balls…here you go:

Translator's Note

charge for the ducks: it was supposed to be a Chinese pun–冲鸭 (Chong Ya) should be translated into charge ducks, but the correct term should be 冲呀 (Chong Ya), which meant charge.

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  1. Ahh… but is the kitty fixed? How will XiaoBai ever recover his gong status? 😉 Thank you

  2. I refuse to accept Xiao Bai isn’t the shou that MC can hug while coaxing 😭 I’m just gonna dream of him being the shou…

  3. Lol tl went to such length to show off those yin yang balls and I’m dying laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣