I Love FarmingCh24.1 - The Temptation Of A Thousand Mu Farmland (Part One)


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Translator's Note

in case you’re wondering how conveyor type dishwasher looked like, I did some research:

Translator's Note

stir-fried chicken gizzard:

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  1. Chilli pepper! Chilli peper! I want my food that have that delicious chilli peper~🌶

    Thanks for the chapteeeerr! 💗

  2. I once loved chilli peppers.. until I spent a few days trying to draw it and failing miserably..

    I don’t even want to look at it now.

  3. The me who keeps whining, ” where is love??” Vs the me who is loving the aesthetic storyline filled with chili peppers 🤭