I Love FarmingCh22.3 - Becoming Popular (Part Three)


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Translator's Note

basically, the auntie was just trying to pronounce tiger skin egg with a Chinese accent, and she was speaking slowly. lmao

Translator's Note

Tiger skin eggs:

Translator's Note

Salted duck egg:

Translator's Note

kill the courageous and starve the cowardly: those who dare to take risks can reap many benefits

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  1. They will go down to the pit together hohoho

    Thank you for the chapter! I hope you’ll have a good rest♡

  2. [My face looked the same as XiaoBai’s face now. I already took off my pants and you told me you won’t fall in love?]


  3. Lmaoo the netizens aren’t perspective enough! He only said “I don’t want a girlfriend.”, doesn’t mean he can’t have a boyfriend (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)

  4. I love the audience troll-recommending the show. It’s the sort of sh*t me and my friends do all the time saying “sharing is caring”. XDDDDD