I Love FarmingCh22.2 - Becoming Popular (Part Two)


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Translator's Note

Braised fish:

Translator's Note

moo shu pork:

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stir-fried amaranth:

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stir-fried green veggies with mushroom:

Translator's Note

spareribs and vegetable soup:

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kelp soup:

Translator's Note

heat: which is also called “热气 (rèqì),” is a term that is derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to the theory of TCM, “上火(shànghuǒ)” is a symptom related to internal heat. TCM believes that the imbalance of yin and yang, and vigorous heat inside one’s body would lead to “上火 (shànghuǒ).” Here, the “火 (huǒ) internal heat” refers to some fever-like symptoms including red and swollen eyes, sore mouth and tongue, toothache, sore throat, etc.

Translator's Note

Corn cob:

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  1. Mother Cui sure is supportive!♡

    I want to eat that unique corn.. Wow the professor really know what he’s doing, you’ve done a great job!

    Thank you so much for the chapter~( ˆ͈̑꒳ˆ͈̑ )੭♡

  2. Yummy! 😋. And I’m having corn for dinner! Not as good, but still tasty this season.

    Thank you