I Just Want A Simple Life (ABO)Chapter 9

{ Chapter Nine }



“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that expression on your face before, Fin.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Without sparing a look at the dark-haired Omega plastered to his side, Finian replied the same way he always did when presented with such a nickname. “What have I told you about calling me that?”

Ace tapped his chin, “What were your ever-sympathetic words again? Ah, yes— don’t call me that, it implies we’re familiar with one another. However, I feel like I must put my foot down, because after three whole years of repeated threats you have yet to fire me. So I’m inclined to believe that you secretly admire me.” oXZy5P

Finian tilted his head, presenting the most verbal of the two with a face full of ridicule. “Is that your professional opinion?”

In response, Ace’s lips quirked up and he started sauntering around his friend and employer, deliberately teasing him while invading his closely-guarded personal space. “So that’s what’s got your— I’m going to guess lingerie— in a twist! This is about me persuading you to let our little star go in there without his papa.”

There were still times when Ace was taken by surprise by the sheer beauty of Finian. It was true that nearly all Omegas held an attractiveness to them that was biologically imprinted, but Finian’s genetics took it a step further. It was almost hilariously ironic that such features belonged to a man who had absolutely no interest in being romantically-involved with anyone.

It left the Omega, who was trained in the art of reading people, yearning for answers to his burning questions. A lot could be said about the person once they disclosed what they sought after in a relationship. Meanwhile Finian, who just like his old collection of books, was concealed for his eyes only.


There were only momentary fragments that Ace could grasp onto, and the little chips in the armour were solely restricted to when Caius was around. Where the affection between them was unconditional.

“I understand the need for Caius to develop his sense of independence, where he can utilise the techniques you have taught him, but not every situation calls for him to be alone. I trust my son, it’s those around us who make me worry.” Finian’s tone was clipped, certain. 

His eyes would find the entrance of the building multiple times in a matter of a minute. When there was no sign of his son he would cast an eye around, his stomach turning at the disgraceful sight of people dressed in white and gold. Their opinions so boldly stated by wearing such uniforms, and yet there they stood.

Finian tilted his head in Ace’s general direction, “What was your academic-life like?” He suddenly asked. rjvX3F

The question alone was surprising to Ace, not because of the context, but the simple fact that Finian had asked him something remotely personal. The two older Omega’s easily got along with each other, and spent many evenings in each other’s company talking about their hobbies and their mutual dislike of varying prejudice surrounding their Omega gender. But there was one topic that was off-limits without even needing to test the waters.

Finian was able to effortlessly skirt around the topic, perhaps out of habit. It took Ace a little longer to accept that he wouldn’t be getting any answers anytime soon. So the direct question, in his opinion, was a bold step.

“Well that depends on what you mean by academic-life.” Ace replied with his typical amount of flair, running a hand through his hair which created the slightest of chiming noises when the metal accessories collided. “If you want to know my subject-based scores then I can assure you I was always top of the class.”

As per usual, nothing came of Ace’s eccentric self-appraisal when displayed in front of Finian.  VOEHSD

“What I meant was: what was it like for you as a person? What was your school like, and the people attending it alongside you?”

The abrupt eagerness caught Ace off guard. He was trying to gather his thoughts, glancing around every now and then to try and surmise what had managed to rattle Finian. But the ever-protective Omega looked genuinely curious, and it reminded Ace of their startlingly different backgrounds. Even though they shared the same gender, much of what defined them as two completely different entities derived from their childhoods.

“My school was simple, as I’m sure you could have guessed since I was raised on #OWS5. Everything was a bit stale, both clothing and food. What I remember most vividly is the smells, which was always this stuffiness. Closed off classrooms that were so old they were being preserved, so windows weren’t dared opened. The teachers and students— me included— were just part of the stale furniture.” No one would have believed the story coming out of his mouth, purely because of his current obsession with all things flamboyant. 

But Finian did. OdSYyB

“Yes, there managed to still be some stigma surrounding my gender. I think I was mostly expected to stay on-planet like the rest of them; to find a stale partner and have stale children. But you know me, I thrive off a little chaos. I got out of there as fast as I could.”

After everything he had said, Finian still confessed: “I think I’m envious of you.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Envious?” Ace spluttered. “No way you should be envious. There are fundamental reasons why I chose to study therapy. Besides, what’s got you looking to the past? That’s unlike you.”

Just as their conversation seemed to dwindle, a chorus of laughter came from nearby. It was obnoxiously loud, making all the people Finian was familiar with from attending #OWS3 over the years, glare in the groups general direction. It was those who had successfully soiled Finian’s mood. WFl9Ca

He could only sigh, quickly realising that within the haze of frustration he had said something selfish, “I apologise for saying that, it makes me sound unsympathetic to your struggles. You are undoubtedly a character I want Caius to take inspiration from when it comes to forging his own path.”

Ace was probably the only person above the age of thirteen that dared to get closer to Finian, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Your business is your own, Finian. I know there are times when you view me as a threat to your privacy because of my work, but I am not snooping around. So just tell me now, honestly, what’s bothering you so much? I think our little star will deny my existence for a whole day if he thinks I’ve upset you.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

They both looked at each other, simultaneously creating a space that was devoid of outside interference. But Finian broke the connection first, looking over the heads of those trying their very best to obtain the attention they craved from those around them. 

Pcrafjv, la kjr atf cjaegji yfjeas bo atf yliibklcu yibrrbw vlgfmais yftlcv atfw, ktlmt rklgifv jgbecv jcv vlvc’a rb wemt jr ygert atf byagerlnf ktlaf jcv ubivr bo atf cfkmbwfgr’ mibatlcu, atja foofmalnfis wjcjufv ab vlribvuf atf lwqfcfagjyif gfrfgnjalbcr tf tjv jybea gftjrtlcu atf qjra. Mbgmlcu tlw ab vgfvuf eq atf vbeyar tf fzqfgais xfqa ja yjs ecali atbrf ofk fzqbrfv wlceafr yfobgf tf ofii ab riffq ja cluta. kJnMy2

He wasn’t used to such a feeling, and couldn’t understand it. Even opening his mouth, words relating to the past on the tip of his tongue, he had to tackle a clamp that he had somewhere along the lines collared himself with. It was a silent battle, one he had won by the narrowest of margins. 

“I was Caius’ age now when my parents passed away.” His voice was almost swallowed by the gush of wind that took ahold of the surrounding trees. Even so, his tone was as calm as ever, “I was left with a lot of money to my name, and vital decisions no thirteen-year-old should ever have to make. Back then, I couldn’t have known how the system worked; how my family teetered along a line that kept them out of the roles that were perfectly assigned for them to play. I inevitably crossed— or destroyed— that fine-tuned line and turned towards the dazzling figures who provided all the simple answers to my complex questions.” Finian took a breath, tilting his head back a fraction as if breaching the depths of the ocean and soaking in the welcoming air. 

“The natural next step for someone of my prestige was to attend Cora, as my predecessors had done before me.”

While he spoke Ace turned his head, seeking out the figures that Finian had once deliberately overlooked. ksHKdj

He hardly had to search far and wide, as his gaze was automatically attracted to the people who weren’t shy about disclosing their wealth. Figures that would undoubtedly clash with someone as intensely private as Finian. 

“During my time at Cora, I already began to feel like I didn’t fit in. I certainly ticked a lot of boxes for some, but I felt like an imposter. I should have listened to my gut— it would have made a lot of things easier. But I escaped from my old life, happily never looking back.” Finian did something Ace had only seen him do with Caius, he began to fidget with his clothing. Smoothing out the slightest of wrinkles that didn’t exist. No such imperfections ever did.

He brushed his hand once, twice along his sleeve before he cottoned-on to what he was doing and focused on his next words, firmer and more conclusive.

“Now I am standing here, surrounded by those few that I attended Cora with. Who happened to have brought along the same children who more than likely pushed Caius towards his decision to leave Thebaria First. Just as the children are identical to my old classmates, Caius is so much like me. I refuse to allow him to get caught up in his reoccurring cycle.” 3kz7dU

His tension was practically palpable. 

There was a biological myth in Omegas, which was on more than one occasion dismissed as fiction by those who controlled what was to be transcribed into the syllabus for young and impressionable students to learn. It involved a singular moment when an Omega was facing moments of sheer, unadulterated panic or anger— usually always related to the instinctual protection of their child. It was a moment that would blind the senses of the overwhelmed Omega, who was typically vocal about their suffering. But just like in Alphas with their pheromones that could be used to intimidate or placate, this myth pertained to a pheromone belonging solely to Omegas themselves. The greatest reaction being in other Omegas, who were said to either be stricken and unable to move, or almost instinctively forced to move in aid of the anguished Omega.

It was named mythological because of the rarity in cases, and some theories that the ability was restricted to certain bloodlines, but it was unlikely to become more common because of the rise in children born for the purpose of power instead of a manifestation of a pair’s connection. 

But Ace felt a slight sting in the back of his neck. He looked at Finian, but saw the man showing no outward concerns. He was in no way showing signs of those typical symptoms. If not slightly tense, he looked completely fine. But Ace could feel the man’s compromised mindset. iXteJU

He was caught in the midst of being stricken and instinctively drawn closer. So with a slight tremble of his fingers, he clasped Finian’s shoulder once again. 

“You and Caius are very alike— but in my opinion you are two entirely different entities.” That at least captured Finian’s attention. “I would argue that he was more confident than the both of us put together when we were his age, since from what you told me, he conducted a meeting when he was only ten years old and inadvertently told you he wanted to challenge the norm.” Ace chuckled at the imagery. “He was already forging his own path long before he met me. He’s an independent spirit, who needs a gentle nudge at times, but has the proper support behind him. So I have no doubt that Caius has a bright future, one filled with all different arrays of colours. No cycle will hold him because he will look at it and think how he could shape it into something more exciting.”

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Finian looked at him, really looked at him. It was the same puzzled glance Ace sometimes caught his employer regarding him with when he thought he wasn’t looking. The sense of being weighed for his worth, that never failed to unsettle Ace. But the intensity of his gaze shifted ever so slightly as Finian’s gloved-hand rested on top of his fellow Omega’s.

Which was the equivalent of a comforting embrace, and one the pair felt much more comfortable with. VIwud6

It was fleeting, and the physical connection soon dropped.

“I am not ignorant to their ways,” Finian reluctantly mumbled and Ace guessed he was talking about the inhabitants of Nova. “They ridicule locations such as this, it makes no sense for them to be here. Which makes me wary of which high-ranking figure they have blindly chosen to follow and for what reason.”

As if waiting for that particular moment, the slightest of scents reached their noses and Finian’s shoulders returned to their previous tension. Without waiting for Ace to catch on, Finian turned his head and his sharp gaze landed on a figure who approached them with the slightest of smiles on his face. One that all residents of Nova likely fell head-over-heels for.

“Finian, I thought that was you. How long has it been, old friend?” CsKimt

The man in question was the very essence of Nova compiled into one man. He was a pureblooded Alpha who dominated every space he found himself in. A character who epitomised the dazzling figures Finian once talked about. The bait, the trap. 

“Not long enough where I have forgotten that considering you a friend was the biggest mistake of my life.”

Presented with the harsh words by one of the few people in the galaxy that would dare snub him, the man with cropped blond hair as misleading in its colour as in the man’s personality, he brought a closed white-gloved fist to stifle his grin but couldn’t suppress his laughter that came bubbling up. His shockingly blue eyes, framed by long dark lashes, locked onto Finian and the pair were able to share a rare moment where both could reveal their true characters. 

In the eyes of those standing not too far away, the man wearing a meticulously-tailored military suit, embellished with the finest of golden trinkets and awards, looked polite in his gesture of covering his mouth from openly laughing in the face of the two men he was talking to.  XfJO6o

“You haven’t changed a bit. Good for you.” He patronised, a dimpled smile doing its best at keeping the sneer off his face. It also made a good job of hiding the vile excuse of a longing look that raked the Omega up and down. Which gradually shifted to the third-party, someone he had all but ignored without a single worry.

“I take that back, it appears you’re making friends? Not quite the sharp-tongued, isolated Omega I once confessed my undying love for.” Although acknowledged, the man made no effort to introduce himself to Ace. In fact, he was almost entirely glossed over.

The comments bounced off Finian, who met the man’s direct line of sight without a flicker of hesitation. Usually people would quickly lose their cockiness in approaching Finian, and feel awkward before eventually leaving. The high-ranking Nova representative was far from the average man, and knew exactly which buttons to press. But Finian expected nothing less from the man he had known since he was a teenager.

“I would have thought your time was precious, so why are you wasting mine?” Finian tilted his head to the side. A twitching of the corner of his mouth displaying more than what a sneer could, “Or did you just want to get some use out of that pristine-looking uniform that hasn’t even caught a whiff of battle?” OQhA0P

A step was taken that brought the overbearing Alpha closer, reinforcing his need to lower his head to meet the eyes of the person opposite. “People have been punished for less.” He warned.

Surprisingly, it was Finian who bridged the gap by placing his palm against the midriff of his old acquaintance. He followed his hand by inching closer so they were absorbed in each other’s scents. Ones that hadn’t come together in many years.

The Alpha instinctively inhaled, and it was the exact moment Finian had been waiting for. He tested the very thing Ace had only suspected he could use, and altered his pheromones so slightly only those in the immediate vicinity would pick up on them. The pure scent that mirrored that of the morning dew in the meadow, soured to reveal his utter disgust.

It caught the Alpha off-guard and he was unable to disguise his flinch as he recoiled. He had been utterly and categorically rejected. Ydrony


The scent disappeared in an instant, and Finian turned his head once to see Ace, who had yet to say a single word, and then over to the voice who actually called out the beast so familiarly. Immediately it felt like he had traversed time and space in order to go back to his younger days where he first met the bane of his life.

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A younger version, who was every-bit his father in both appearance and mannerisms.

Seeing Finian’s bewildered expression, the Alpha who had been quick to regain his posture made note of what had just happened and then outstretched a hand to his son, resting it on his shoulder when he automatically did as he was ordered. 7J6Bd9

“I don’t know if you know, but our sons actually went to the same school.”

Finian tore his eyes away from the boy who wasn’t much older than Caius, face growing cold at the cretin’s mentioning of his son.

“Then I am frankly delighted that things have turned out the way they have.”

Finian watched as the man’s expression twisted ever so slightly, a knowing grin that left him feeling repulsed. ihAwxV

“You shouldn’t isolate the boy, Finian. What sort of life is that? I mean, when Caius and I first met on his trip to #OWS5, he just looked so alone.”


The young Alpha standing beside his father also looked taken by surprise, but knowing the demeanour that was expected of him, pooled his expression into one of an obedient soldier.

“You shouldn’t project your own grievances onto such an delicate little soul like Caius, wouldn’t you agree, Rowan?” gRcwFq

“Yes, father. Caius should be able to make his own choices in life, after all he is special.” That earned an impressed look from his father, and a darkening one from Finian.

But after a single deep breath, those cold neutral eyes had returned. Although Ace was by his side, the white-haired Omega stood alone in that moment. “My son is the only thing precious in my life, and that by no means makes him my weakness. He is both me and his father, and that alone should be a terrifying thought for you.”

“Terrifying? Oh no. Far from it, in fact.” He lingered, tinkering with the cuffs on his uniform. All purposeful. Once again exuding the airs of someone who held all the power. “Do you recall why this event is particularly important for us?”

Finian didn’t even bat an eyelid, “You seem to be under the misconception that I care about a single thing that comes out of your mouth.” G5kZu

“But of course you do! When it relates to your non weakness of a son.” The grin only grew wider upon Finian’s subsequent silence. “Do you remember, once upon a time, that you and I were once matched?”

“I believe that was one of the rare occasions where I actually laughed at something you said.”

“Quite right. For reasons known only to us, things didn’t really work out. I was destined for greatness anyways. However, even though it didn’t work out for the both of us. I was more than vocal when recommending my beloved son as the Alpha to pair with young Caius.”

The air suddenly chilled and the throat-constricting scent returned. But this time, the only Alpha in which it had the desired effect on was the youngest blond. While his father, unabashed, smiled. R3NdoV

“What a strange ability, is it hereditary?”

Finian was out for blood, but it was simultaneously quashed by Ace who had moved on instinct. His breathing just as heavy as the young Alpha’s. He wrapped an arm around Finian and stopped him from moving. Doing all that he could within his capabilities to calm the ferociously-protective Omega.

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Nothing was working, that was until a figure emerged from the expansive doorway leading into the memorial hall. The scent would naturally be most sensitive to those it was related to, so Caius was overwhelmed by it almost immediately. But instead of debating on what step to take, he rushed over and all but threw himself into his papa’s arms.

“Are you unwell?” He worried, his chest tight as he previously spotted an expression he had never seen cross his papa’s face. Not to mention the smell; a distinctly familiar scent which had been overrun with a potency that Caius couldn’t recognise. It made every hair on his body stand up, his skin prickling with unease. oYHalV

“No.” Finian easily regained control, running his slightly trembling fingers through his beloved child’s hair. “There’s nothing to worry about, my soul. I was just having a moment. Did you manage to say thanks?” He sounded tired.

Caius nodded, taking hold of his papa’s hand and entwining their fingers. He looked over his shoulder and at first found Rowan standing there. He had looked unsettled, but under Caius’ watchful eye he perked up and smiled just as charmingly as before.

Then he looked at the taller man. Who in turn cocked his head, “Do you remember me, little one? I believe we promised to keep a little secret involving statues.” He winked.

It took him a few moments longer than the older male probably expected, but slowly Caius realised a few things. Such as why he found Rowan familiar without truly knowing who he was, and it definitely wasn’t from Thebaria First. tdoypn

“You’re from Nova.” He remembered the man’s bright invitation.

“That’s correct.” The man with just as warm coloured hair as his son laughed. “I should officially introduce myself, I’m Auryn Tryst. I believe you have met my son already? Rowan has spoken very highly of you. I was looking forward to meeting you again.”

A grip on his hand increased and Caius tilted his head towards his papa. 

“We should get going now, we don’t want to risk our Transporter getting stuck due to bad weather, do we?” Finian wondered, cupping his son’s face and pecking a kiss on his forehead. 9PG7CJ

He agreed, of course, but Caius found his gaze returning to the startling appearances of the two Alphas he had never come across in his past life. But this innocent look was interpreted very differently by those around him, especially Auryn Tryst whose sole intention was to win the boy over.

“My invitation still stands, if ever you are interested. Just remember my name, should your father ever let you visit Nova.”

Caius looked uncertain.

“There’s no pressure, little one. After all, your father and I go way back. We were in same squad together.” a4wzK3

Immediately Caius looked at his papa, whose face was growing paler by the second.

Auryn Tryst chuckled, “No. Not your papa, your other father. You do know that he was once a highly respected soldier in Nova’s armed-forces?” A look of surprise slowly took over Auryn’s face, where he tugged at his collar in a follow-up act of his unintentional revelation.

Caius looked at his papa, who now had his free hand pressed against the side of his face. He looked disorientated and it scared Caius beyond belief. His urgency met with Ace’s silent gaze. But it abruptly changed and he cleared his throat.

“As your father said, we should get going. Don’t worry, sometimes we are prone to random bouts of exhaustion. That’s all this is. So wrap your arm around your father and we’ll help guide him back to the Transporter, can you do that for me?”  ivc 3d


Without a single word spared towards either of the Tryst Alpha’s, the three of them turned and began returning to the safe confines of the Transporter. Unanimously willing to brace the harshness of the weather outside of the thermal than remain within it any longer.

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Caius could only will himself to focus primarily on moving one foot after the other. If he let his mind wander, then too many questions would prove to ensnare him and leave him useless when it came to helping his papa.

“Caius, did you lose the gift I got for you?” Ace asked when they eventually made it back, gently setting Finian down, who had chosen the worst time to fall unconscious. Ace could see that his little star was struggling and he could only placate him so much. l0IXbd

He repeated the question again after Caius took some more rousing. The young Omega began to fumble around, eventually finding a pocket within the lining of his outfit. He carefully took it out, presenting it with flushed cheeks.

“I’m sorry. I tripped earlier and it fell out.”

When the Transporter began to lift from the planet’s surface, Ace took his seat and opened his arms for Caius who didn’t know what to do. He snuggled him tightly. “There’s no need for you to apologise, you have done tremendously well today.”

What had started out as a pre-planned day, where everything had been methodical and just as Finian intended it to be, with just a single presence everything had been blown to pieces. Just as it had been in the past. Sd6JoD

As Caius clung onto his teacher, his attention never leaving his papa’s sleeping form, he didn’t notice the moment Ace tilted back his head and cursed heavily under his breath.


{ To Be Continued }

A/N: Thank you for being patient! Through trial and error, I’m going to change the update schedule to Tuesdays, it gives me the Monday’s to battle with my characters who dare to try and reveal information too early. 1I 3tU

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  1. Ahh. So intriguing! So tempted to know what’s their relationship and then have both Finnian and Caius step on that scum’s face. His scumness can be smelt from miles away. Get lost from our two cute and lovely Omegas, you filthy A

  2. I knew Rowan is to not be trusted. Also, Caius really needs to be with someone all the time… when he is alone strange and suspicious people get too close to him…

    And the way Finian just lost his consciousness because of what the alpha said about Caius’ father…its really worrying.

    Anyways, loved the chapter! Im really worried about Fin and Caius 🙁

      • In Caius’ defence, in his previous life it really was lacklustre but “simple” or more like “controlled” by the end. He genuinely believes that this life, give or take a few things he can change for the better, that there won’t be much difference. That it will remain simple. Since no one had their sights set on him in the past? How would he know to be cautious this time around if everyone is guarding him? (And to be cautious and forward thinking about people’s personalities is the one error on his character, his one fatal flaw~) Fopd for thought 😉

  3. okay, what the heck? This “alpha” pricked Caius last time they met and now wants his son to be partnered with him? Over Fin and Ace’s dead body!

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  4. Makes you wonder if this alpha was the one who ordered or arranged his ‘friend’s’ death through a military maneuver, all because he wanted Finnian. That sure is what it sounds like!

  5. This alpha is disgusting, though i dont know if his son is the same, id rather hope the ml is someone else! Caius is too precious for this malicious family! Thanks for the chapter!

  6. And there it all points to the “ex-best friend” betraying, but covering his tracks all too well.

  7. Thanks for your hard work!

    So Finian can change his pheromones to repel alphas too? That’s cool!

  8. AH! I knew it!! Dimple boy can’t be trusted, I think this is a ploy that the higher-up alphas did to show omegas that they can’t have freedom. Sort of to slap Caius’ father’s face, tch. I want them to go away alreadyyy

  9. If the scum got Caius’s blood sample that time, then he must have done some compatibility test with his son… why else would he recommend him? AAAAAAGGGGH. Leave them alone!!!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. Tbh caius lived his share of a life for awhile though i’m not sure he should be at least 20+ years old mentally. But he doesn’t show the mental understanding and sharpness of a 20+ year old. Not to mentioned his not so nice experiences with crafty people. So it does give me a contrasting feeling between his mentality and his actions. This is a simple logic actually if papa is angry that means someone in the vicinity made him angry. Btw dear author i love this sooo much! It is an awesome story and i’m look forward to next chapters. Let’s max. out the character growth! Update soon pls 🥺🥺
  11. bites napkin oh noooooo, they ruined the special day! Frick him! Frick him unkindly! Sjfhdowndkaksldosj

    I hope Rowan’s other parent isn’t as terrible as his father, and he doesn’t learn from him. Nasty piece of work.

    QAQ poor past events revealed ahhhhhh! But in such a sad way😭😭😭

    Thank you for the chapter!!!