I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan EyesCh8 - Jiang Jize x Xiao Shun [√]


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Translator's Note

The college entrance examination

Translator's Note

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  1. Xu Xing ah Xu Xing why are you so sweet >___<

    Yay~~~ let’s hope this secondary pair will get together soon

    Thank you for this chapter

  2. Heh. Xu Xing. You haven’t even solve your own issue, but dare to interfere with others? Sigh… Well, it could be regarded as an experiment.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

    • rather than solve his own issue he wants to avoid the matter all together 🤣🤣🤣 but his red string doesn’t want that and is being mischievious

      Red String: I’m here, I’m here notice me 🤣🤣🤣

  3. It’s working, Xu Xing!! Keep doing that! If Jiang Jize doesn’t reject anyone, then Xiao Shun could try to confess. No?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. >Won’t your girlfriend if she sees this?<<

    Wont his girlfriend what? I think somethings missing QAQ

    Aiya Xing xing is now a godfather huh hahhaha

    Thanks for the chap!

  5. Yep ended up squealing at this!!! You go MC!!

  6. Kyaaaaa my heart😊 This story made me cheese way too much 🧡

    Thanks for the chapter ✨