I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan EyesCh7 - He Casually Said to Lu Che: “It’s Nothing”


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  1. The second hand embarrassment I feel whenever I read this story is killing me, but I’m okay with it xDD

    I wonder why the red string works different, maybe bcs Xu Xing tried to purposefully avoid it??? Also, I love our tsun ML <3

    Can’t wait to see what’s next, thanks for the chapter~!

  2. I wonder if we’ll be seeing some matchmaking throughout the story. So many characters!

  3. Lu Che… you hate it when XX gives you attention but hate it even more when XX tries to avoid you…. decide what you want +1

    Thankyou for this chapter!!!

    • I feel the same. ML doesn’t know what he wants. Although, there was a bit of ambiguity in LC’s behavior and words at the end of the other chapter, so I’m leaning towards him being gay. 😏

  4. Xu Xing needs to be a matchmaker between Xiao Shun and Jiang Jize! Interesting.

    Thanks for the chapter!