I Have MedicineCh95 - Innate Skill


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  1. Thanks for the chapter <3. And it doesn’t surprise me one bit that both the MC and ML have special roots, lol

  2. 😂 I love how he’s like

    ‘This stuff is to complicated, let’s just make big brother look at it’ I cant decide if he’s simple minded or just has good task management

  3. Haha, what kind of xianxia protagonist would lack a special phyisque? It’s funny that GYTH is more genre savvy here than GZ.

    Translation suggestions:

    药珠 / medical beads –> medicinal beads

    Only, he needed to always be on guard to prevent them from carelessly leaking secrets and causing their medical beads to self-destruct, as well as conceal the matter from them. –> Only, it’s best to be careful. In order to prevent them from accidentally destroying their medicinal beads, it’s best to still conceal some matters from them.

    Afterwards, Gu Zuo thought that this matter wouldn’t be pondered over by him. –> Then, GZ decided this matter wasn’t his to worry about.

  4. He could sell some of those cultivation methods at auction…sigh this character. At least Tianheng doesn’t mind doing all the work.