I Have MedicineCh87 - Leaving for the Sect


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Translator's Note

Gu Zuo is being sarcastic here, since he’s loaded.

Translator's Note

后携雷霆之威 – Hou xie (carried on one’s back) lei ting zhi wei (the power of thunder).

Translator's Note

天旋地转 – Tian xuan di zhuan, the sky spins and the earth goes round.

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  1. Ooh, I’m really looking forward to what’ll happen in the sect :D. I especially can’t wait to see what kind of infighting and power struggles they run into, lol. Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. Ah, ah, ah! So cool! Yeah Tianheng! Just toss him like you would a rag doll! Muhahahaha. I can’t wait to see how he’ll clean up the sect~

    Thanks for the chapter~

  3. I wonder if there’s companion later?

    Thanks for the chapter

    • If you’re referring to pets, then no, this isn’t a pet-oriented kind of setting. Animals in this story are all non-sentient, and used for either mounts or ingredients.

      If you’re referring to people, there are and will be many recurring characters. Indeed, this arc won’t be the last time we see ML’s family. But the only ones who will accompany MC and ML throughout their journey is each other.

  4. These fast updates are killing me 😍

    On the other hand I’m looking forward to the new sect struggles they’ll go through~

  5. Gah, so many chapters! cries tears of blood


  6. Ty for the hard work the first two volumes!

  7. Huzzah for completing arc 2! Translation looks good for this one, so no suggestions this time from me.

    Can’t wait for arc 3, the longest arc of the story, and also, in my opinion, one of the best arcs in terms of narrative and character development. This is where our MC really builds his “foundations”, in several senses of the word.

    • No mistakes? Huzzah!

      I’m looking forward to it, too! Thanks again for all your help!

  8. Gj translating another volume, looking forward to the third as it is rly easy to read an neatly explained x3 one of the most e joyable translations so far

    Also i will miss the gongyi family p,p hope we will meet them again later on

  9. Ahhhh Sect arc so excited ❤
    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  10. Congrats and good job so far 💃🏻💃🏻

    • I can’t believe I caught up!!😭 Thanks for the chapter and excited for next vol.

  11. quick question: around what chap. will there be any romance? sorry if I sound impatient or something! I really like the story and it’s plot, but I also can’t wait for the romance…😅

  12. I like that Tianheng doesn’t have the stupid pride that others ML have, he thinks in the long term and he knows when to step down, in comparison to others ML that won’t “suffer” a loss and they end with so many troubles that our heads hurts! Can’t they learn with Tianheng? Throw away that stupid pride! Your peace of mind and carefree days are more important! You can grow your streng without the need to be in dire situations all the time!!

  13. Prior to the revelation to the father and grandfather I wonder if no one really suspected Gu Zho or they are really trustful of big bro😅😅😅

  14. Lol, Gu Zou XD

    Thank you translator for all your hard work!

    I know I’ve been complaining, but that’s the privilage of someone allowed to read your hard work. And the author’s efforts, luckily they’ll never read my criticisms (and I wouldn’t want them too either), since artists tend to be fragile. I’d rather have any book than none at all.