I Have MedicineCh86 - Property Distribution


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Translator's Note

The decoy prescription mentioned in Chapter 14.

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  1. Thank you for the update! Recently found this and love it! ♡♡♡

  2. Tianheng really thinks so far ahead! And also I can’t help but laugh at him teasing his father about making more little siblings

  3. One more chapter to go before the Sect arc starts! Can’t wait!

    Translation notes:

    One shouldn’t go so far as to rely on easy money-making. –> Easy to make money with, but not something they couldn’t protect.

    As for the acting Clan Head Gongyiyan, he was practically right on their heels. –> Gongyi Yan, as the current Clan Head, had of course never took a step away from there.

    if Ah Zuo remains in the clan, I’m afraid that his talents will be preoccupied for a long time. –> if Ah Zuo remains in the clan, I’m afraid that over time his talents would be wasted.

    This truly is a child of the Gongyi Clan. We’ll be sure to discuss what my son and Gu Zuo experienced while away from home. –> We will say that this was found by an adventuring scion of the Gongyi Clan, and thus separate this matter from my son and Gu Zuo.

  4. their family is pretty harmonious, actually.


    • Is it just me thinking that Ah Zou get swindled by this male lead? He cured him, protect him, give riches to him & clan, prospering his country but just treated like side kick 🤦‍♀️. Marvelous! This is the romance we seek 😂…btw, every chapter Ah Zou blushes when praises…omg so gay 🤣

  5. Such a great son! Thank god the parents aren’t slags in this novel.
    Thank you very much.

  6. Thanks for translating! Just a question: do you have a Ko-Fi page? I think it’d be a great way for us to support you when we have the means! (´∀`)♡

    • Thank you for your generosity, but I don’t have a Ko-fi page, and I don’t intend on getting one. Feel free to donate to the author on their site, though. 🙂

  7. Stable empire and firm roots, thats thinking ahead

  8. Thank you! I have this feeling, that this love will be a slow burn.. But I’m not mad at it.

    • Me neither! This is one of those stories I’m glad just to see how it progresses plot wise as well as romance. And Ah Zhou is still young (both mentally and physically), he should grow first. 😄😄😄

  9. Thanks for the chapter!! Keep up the great work. 👍

  10. Thank you for the update 😊😊😊

  11. Aw, i love how this fam has so good relations and tight bond, for once, its rare for ml/mc chars to have such a family
    Makes me smile

  12. Seriously love the family! Usually it is brother against brother or uncle trying to kill the rightful heir — this is just a fresh breeze!

  13. Ah, ah, ah! So cute! More siblings! I love this family!

  14. Its just preparations before the sect arc but its making mah kokoro go 💗💗💗
    Thanks for the chapter!

  15. ‘Together’ = couple! 😍😍😍😍😍

  16. ‘the time left was almost used up’ might be better as ‘the remaining time was coming to an end’ or something like that

  17. Rereading for like hundredth time now heheh who can stop me 🤪 I love this chapter sm actually the whole novel really and the translation is cherry on top THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK 🙏

  18. Don’t tease your dad that much, maybe when you return he already has a football team (^▽^)

    I looooooove their tiny steps in relationship yaaaaaaaa

    I swear if you think they’re too lacking and boring, you’re still not up to healthy and mature relationship.

    And their patriotism is an additional charm asdfghj. I wanna hug everyone \( ̄︶ ̄)/