I Have MedicineCh82 - New Mission


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Translator's Note

爱卿 – Ai qing, a term of endearment from a monarch to their subjects.

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  1. Ooh.. OK..
    Hope there's no complications..

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. The garden has claimed another flower.
    I think you'll like it there though.
    Thanks for your hard work.

  3. it's been so long since we heard of the system!

  4. When you move, will the older chapters also be copied over or will you just be picking up halfway over there and linking to the earlier posts here?

    Translation notes:

    Although He Chengfeng is very talented, I’m afraid there isn’t anyone in the Qingcang Empire who could reliably enter the Qingyun Inner Sect. –> Although He Chengfeng is very talented, but compared to others in the Qingcang Empire, he's not one who can reliably enter the Qingyun Inner Sect. (This sentence is talking about HCF in particular rather than people in that empire in general.)

    …The ones before were also okay? –> …Does this also apply to my questions in the past?

    Perhaps the question he needed to ask this time was about making a breakthrough. –> Perhaps the question they were asking now is a turning point. (This is referring to the investigation of what the system really is, rather than a cultivation breakthrough.)

  5. Thank you. Systems are so demanding. I wonder how you injure a System ?

  6. hope u get along with everybody, Tetractys!~

  7. The only usefulness of the MC’s spinelessness is probably that he’s on guard against everyyything. This is probably the first MC I’ve read who is actively on guard against the system who is renting his mind space. Uh, great idea! It’d be stupid if you blindly trusted it just cuz it saved your life!  (>﹏<) 

    Thanks for the chapter~

  8. you know… what i’m about to say has nothing to do with the translation, i guess it’s the site chrysanthemumgarden.com. I listen to these novels through my computer’s voice software, and The whole “translated by chrysanthemumgardens” watermark and other watermarks are getting worse and worse with every chapter i listen to. It used to be maybe two or three times in a chapter, but now it’s getting so bad that it’s about every other sentence, which really sucks to listen to, like those youtube videos that have 20 ads in them for no reason at all… of course this is besides the horrible mumbled mess of words sentence halfway through every chapter that is like a nightmare come true. I know it’s because people steal the content and repost, but i would probably just prefer to pay so i don’t even have to listen to that crap, just like subscribing to youtube or something(though that might be difficult because of all of the different websites that translators use for each novel since my base is novelupdates.com). It is getting to the point that i just never want to even hear the words chrysanthemum and garden in the same sentence ever again….. This website is going to end up giving me a disease or something… Sorry, i know this might be a unique problem since there probably aren’t that many people who listen to voice software, though there are many benefits to doing so(disability, multitasking, taking a break from straining your eyes while readng, etc.). I hope there will be a solution soon…. For health and sanity…
    • Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’ve reported this to the site admins, and hopefully we can make your experience better.

      Good news is that we’re currently working on a user system so that the excessive watermarks can be removed in the future.

  9. ‘had gotten a huge harvest.’ ‘gotten’ could alternatively be ‘acquired’

  10. I feel the system is more of sci-fi. Thus, mc is more likely to understand it than ml.. well that if he put his thought into it ….

  11. Well, at least there’s no time limit or penalty…but what further missions will he get after the upgrade? And who/what/how did System get hurt like that? Demotion?

  12. 😳 I don’t usually get bothered by chapter titles being reused. There’s a novel on here “I think it’s Transmigrated into the Male Lead’s Ex-Boyfried” (or something like that) and the author reused the same titles over and over. They were the lyrics to a song or something. It was cute.