I Have MedicineCh76 - You Want to Throw Up?


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  1. Those immortals have no insight. Saved the lady, she is wiser

  2. I don't think anyone expected GYTH do perform less than spectacular here, but the fight scenes in this story aren't bad.

    Anyway, translation suggestions:

    "It could also be a combination of luck and skill." — 气运加身 is more like "innate luck" or "inherent fortune" or something like that. Basically, one of the Immortals is saying that HFZH is just lucky in this one instance and thus not important. The other guy is saying that maybe this guy is inherently lucky as a innate trait, which is something their sect is looking for.

    "the moves he employed would be like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies." — 天马行空 is an idiom that metaphorically means "powerful and unconstrained".

    As for the change in appearance while fighting, that’d be making a fuss about nothing. –> No matter how they changed while fighting, it wasn't anything to be surprised about.

    Gu Zuo, who almost lost consciousness, bundled his body in psychic energy. –> GZ almost subconsciously bundled his whole body up in his pyschic energy

    "and felt that his methods were very modern" — I'd suggest "innovative" instead of "modern". Especially since this is a transmigration novel, the term "modern" would better used to indicate when GZ is referring to actual comparisons to the Modern World.

  3. Gahd! I love ML so much! He just keeps getting better and better!  (✪ω✪)

    Thanks for the chapter~

  4. I feel that the big brother guild cult is soaring like a rocket. And when will we have some more intimate scenes in this?

  5. Are they trying to find a lucky person? Is zhanghao actually an mc of a different xianxia story?