I Have MedicineCh74 - Taking Precautions


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  1. my god! having to keep vigilent against their country men must feel awful in this kind of setting ! you would think that bringing honor to their country would be their priority, but their selfishness and pettiness makes one's teeth itch! to be honest if the three families retaliated against GZ I wouldn't mind having them killed off cauz in that case they're just a bunch of fools for offending Tianheng after dispalying that kind of strength!

  2. Heh, HLXC is a very stereotypical canonfodder, and unlikely to be a cockroach type of enemy.

    Translation notes:

    Footnote 1: "This was just getting one’s eyes scraped" –> "This was just getting stared daggers at a bit" (眼刀子 is just referring to being glared at. Like, someone glaring daggers at someone.)

    If they didn’t act or if they did… –> It's one thing if they didn't act, but if they did…

    Senior sect brother Teng’s name really matches his unrestrained personality [2]. Who else could be called that? –> Senior sect brother Teng’s name isn't something than anyone can just casually call out..

    It was clear that this third round hadn’t started. There were already so many countries, but not every participant could be taken. –> Even though the third round hadn't started yet, there were already many nations who had no fighters to participate.

  3. i wonder what TianHeng is planning… Maybe give a hand to the other 3?

  4. Ah, our dear MC has blind faith in the ML. 😀 Kyaaaa!

    Thanks for the chapter~

  5. Every time i read these two’s interaction, why is it I feel like I’m always forced to eat dog food QAQ and its not even intentional yet huhuhu
    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  6. ‘instructions to find out what was happening next and what needed to be done.’ could use a bit better wording. It makes me think of the word ‘itinerary’ at first glance, and ‘directions'(synonym to instructions) at second thought.
    Honestly, I can’t really tell enough from the sentence to say exactly what it should be.

    ‘ it went without saying that their strength was very good.’….. might be an opportunity for improvement.

    ‘and these people shared their thoughts.’ could alternatively be ‘and these people discussed their thoughts amongst themselves.’

    ‘mission’ could alternatively be ‘assignment’, ‘task’ or ‘duty’

    ‘Wuyuan’s complexion changed: “Teng Yunfei!” ‘ the word ‘changed’ should be replaced with ‘warped’ or ‘contorted’

    ‘Just now, they recalled the topic of their conversation, and they were overcome by a cold sweat…’ should be modified to ‘Just now, as they recalled the topic of their conversation, they were overcome by cold sweat…’ or ‘Just now, they recalled the topic of their conversation, and were overcome by a cold sweat…’

    Also, may I ask why you use ‘…’ so often?

    “As for how much talent they have, in the end, we’ll surely find out for ourselves in the future.” contains both ‘in the end’ and ‘in the future’
    ‘not one-up each other over unfounded matters.” ‘ could alternatively be ‘not to be one-upping each other over insignificant matters.” ‘. The word ‘unfounded’ doesn’t entirely seem to fit here.

    ‘saw the martial artists below and that nearly everyone was talking’ should be ‘saw the martial artists below and how nearly everyone was talking’

    ‘For this round’s trial, because the thirty two people, who lasted to the end on the grindstones, could directly advance to the finals, they didn’t need to undergo the upcoming filter.’ is erroneous. Note the word ‘because’, its placement and the third comma. ‘For this round’s trial, the thirty two people who had lasted until the end on the grindstones, could directly advance to the finals not needing to undergo the upcoming filter.’ is a plausible proper replacement.

    ‘As for those who withdrew early’ could alternatively be ‘As for those who had withdrawn prior/earlier’

    ‘They all waited for tomorrow’ is erroneous, it should be something like ‘They all waited for the day to pass’ or ‘The all waited for tomorrow to come’

    ‘knocked back only two top grade Qi Generating Pill’………what’s knocking back? I really don’t know if it is actually a thing.

    ‘He wasn’t afraid.’
    ‘was not’ and ‘wasn’t’ have a slightly different emphasis, something that should be taken note of.

    • Thanks for your suggestions! I use ellipses whenever the author uses them. In fact, I’ve actually been using fewer of them than the original chinese version. And ‘knock back’ is a phrasal verb.

  7. Tianheng’s eyes flashed with a trace of gravitas. <– Based on google, gravitas is latin and means heavy, so maybe there is a possibility to rephrase this sentence? Like for example instead of “gravitas”, replace it with “seriousness”?

  8. I no I’m hella late to the party but like no lie I hope GZ makes the Helian dude brain dead. Itd be fitting and I want GZ to feel he can be bad ass too

  9. I thought in a perverted way, since our gong Tianheng has six times more endurance…. Gu Zuo’s chrysanthemum is going to have a hard time, literally…. (~‾▿‾)~

  10. FFS, they’re speaking like the entire Helian clan is there and not just the requisite 3 people. Sure they represent the clan, but a bit over dramatic.

    My main problem with this competition is that it’s supposed to happen every 50 years, yet apparently the Cangyun Empire never participated before? It was a big secret and none of the elders knew or even prepared. How is that possible? It’s understandable that there would be a competition for resources, but this is more just wiping out potential talents because the suthor demands this be a cruel and pointless world. Since you are going to be wiped out for shining to brightly, why not just cultivate in secret?

    This is also because in the Cangyun Empire setting, all the best cultivation techiniques and resources are selfishly guarded by the 5 families and the Royal household, instead of being in sects which would have a more competitive and even enrollment. Mindless murder is just nonsense.