I Have MedicineCh72 - An Immortal Realm’s Skepticism


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Translator's Note

螓首 – Qin (cicada) shou (head). A woman who has a wide and squared forehead (like a cicada) is considered beautiful.

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  1. Btw, I feel that using Shimei/Shixiong is easier to read – especially for lengthy titles.

  2. Aah.. But if he helps now.. He will become personal enemy of Helian

  3. Thanks for the chapter!

    Re footnote 1 — I would suggest "senior/junior sect brother/sister" if you don't want to use the pinyin.

    "he realized that he should make plans in advance" –> "he (GZ) realized that he (GYTH) was very confident"

    successor / 好苗子 –> eeh… I would either go with the literal translation of "seedling" or something like "potential" or "promising candidates" or something. The term "successor" makes it sound like the girl wants to take someone as personal disciple, which is not the case here.

    "Once he decided against treating Xingcheng’s injury, he instead gave his big brother lots of chances to mess with his enemies!" –> "He didn't want to treat Xingcheng's injury, just to create an extra opponent for his big brother!"

  4. Tianheng is actually what I call a perfect gong! patient, steady, smart, handsome and badass even though he lived in hell for 18 years due to his illness!
    looking at him, all those overbearing CEO childish type gongs could learn a thing or two..
    GZ is the luckiest mc ever! though he's also quite adorable 😍

  5. seems only the woman immortal is worth noting, character wise.
    i hope A-zuo's gentleness doesnt put him in trouble

  6. ikr? those brats could take more than one page from Tianheng's book!

  7. ‘The woman thought about it for a bit, ‘ could alternatively be ‘The woman considered it for a bit, ‘
    ‘It was only that it seemed that these kinds of things were an unspoken rule.’ this sentence could use a bit of adjustment
    Also, I would like to say that the placement of commas throughout this novel is immaculate despite having numerous sentences that people inexperienced with English would make mistakes with.