I Have MedicineCh71 - The Rejuvenation Pill Whirlwind


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  1. Big Brother protects his pharmacist from the upfront frenzy~

  2. Thanks for the chapter!

    Translation notes:

    or simply make a break for it. –> or simply strike back.

    Footnote 1: 银白长枪 = silver spear

    Even if it were the other martial artists, Gu Zuo didn’t imagine there were such weak chickens –> Even among the other fighters, there were none so weak as GZ had imagined

    Among those eighteen martial artists on the grindstone –> Upon those 18 grindstones

    "It’s confidential…" –> "It's from a private…"

    dozens of martial artists who should’ve died had their lives returned to them –> a dozen or so

  3. It's because of censorship. The words "长枪", among others, got added to jjwxc's auto-censor list at some point after the original post was made.

  4. Thank you for the chapter, and all your hard work translating! ♥

  5. Thank you so much for your hardwork! This story is so fun to read, I can’t wait to see what will happen next! 😀

  6. Hi Translator-sama,

    Thanks for the awesome translation! Do you have a private contact information?

  7. MC is becoming a minor celebrity. OwO

    Thanks for the chapter~

  8. ” No one noticed that among these scenes a short and small figure furtively withdrew his neck” lol 😂