I Have MedicineCh59 - Patron’s Return


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  1. And they don't know the prescription actualy special for tiandu body..if other normal body try the same…what side effect gonna occcur??

  2. Thanks for the chapter. Can't wait for the next one.

  3. So fluffy!!!! Ty very much for this chapter full of couple meng

  4. it's so endearing how much Gu Zuo cares about Tianheng😍
    thnx for the chapter! ❤

  5. GYTH activates anime-style pose and sparkles!
    It's super effective!
    GZ uses Reach-The-Heart-Through-The-Stomach Technique!
    It's super effective!
    …Yeah, they're totally court..er…flirting without even realizing it. XD XD XD

    Only have one translation note this time!

    "What do you mean by me drinking by myself?" –> "Where's the fun in drinking by myself?"

    I totally agree with GZ! I totally support his efforts to get the future hubby drunk for some romcom shenanigans! In vino veritas!

  6. Also, gotta feel (not!) for those old foxes plotting against ML-sama. They think they're so cunning, but little do they know that our monstrously smart ML is already a couple of steps ahead of them. ^_-

  7. So this chapter's goal is to show us that all the other great clans is gonna target the prescription and to give us a reason to think that it is logical for MC to brew wine xD

  8. Awww, Hubby enjoyed a special dinner made painstakingly by his wife. This is so cute XD
    Thank you for the translation.

  9. Kyaaaaa! The moonlight dinner made up for the nauseating Helian Clan head. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Thanks for the chapter!

  10. How long is Gu Zuo gonna be 15? Didn’t he come more than a year ago to this world? He is so devoted, cute like a child.

  11. What’s the point of those foxes scheming, it’s like they don’t see the BIG ROYAL FAMILY keeping everything in check. No wonder Helian was so petty. It’s inherited.