I Have MedicineCh58 - Gu Zuo Goes Hunting


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  1. So cute that he wants to share significant moments with his big bro. Shows how much he values him. D2 is also great, capable and thoughtful.

  2. Well, that's one way to get over one's squeamishness over killing…by imagining your prey cooked and served. Heh. Though, I'm wondering how D2 is carrying all the stuff that GZ is giving him, since, y'know, he doesn't have a storage device. =P

    Anyway, translation notes:

    "Many provide information to outsiders, and these contacts are specifically used to convey information to the ears of other Clans." –> "Much of the news that the Clan wants to spread outside is purposefully passed to their ears, to let them send it out."

    "Once these people discover something, it can be turned over to the contacts." –> "Once these people are discovered, they will turn into known contacts."

    "licked the blood off his blade" – I mean, this is an idiom that literally means that. But translated, it would probably be better to use something like "lived dangerously" or even "lived off the edge of his blade".

    "He couldn’t keep clinging to his big brother’s leg." –> "拖后腿" actually means to hold someone back or to be a burden, so this part is more like: "He wouldn't be big brother's liability."

    "A brave man couldn’t say that he was scared." –> "It was a feeling of unspeakable terror."

    "Well, he had one or two." –> "Once was a first time, there was a second."

    "The eggs within the fish’s abdomen had such savage nutritional requirements." –> "The nutritional requirements of the eggs must have caused the fish's savage attack."

    Also, there's a missing third to last paragraph: "无疑,至少在这个世界,公仪天这位干大哥,就是他最为亲近的人了。" –> "Undoubtedly, at least in this world, this surrogate big brother Gongyi Tianheng was the one closest to him."

  3. Thanks for the chapter!

    Gu Zuo understandably wants to be strong too~

  4. I guess it's the idioms and the more contextual stuff that's tripping you up? The bit for "If he was suspicious once, there’d inevitably be a second time" is still a bit off.

    The original line 好嘛,有一就有二。is not referring to Dragon Two from the paragraph above. It's actually referring to GZ's newfound habit of dissecting his prey. The sentiment is basically: Because he set the precedence once (by reflexively dissecting the boar which was his first kill), this behavior would occur a second time (and a third, fourth, etc.)… until GZ ends up from going out to kill stuff to train as the main goal, to kill stuff for their cooking ingredients as his main goal.

  5. Yeah, it's few characters because the meaning is very heavily dependent on the context of the surrounding text. The paragraphs before and after it are all talking about GZ discovering his new habit.

  6. Yes, yes. Just think of them as ingredients and splatter their brains. (_)

  7. I’ve recently found this novel (don’t know how I missed it) and I have been binge-reading the chapters. The [/tn] for this chapter are a little bit wonky.

    Also, hi! :3

  8. Even though I know that novel world is different, still most of the time I imagine beasts as lions or tigers and eating them makes me feel weird.

    This time atleast it was a fish even if it was man eating fish so say like shark.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  9. Why I suddenly ship him to Dragon Two… Huh….