I Have MedicineCh49 - Greedy Thoughts


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Translator's Note

用脚趾头(想) – Yong jiao zhi tou (xiang), to use one’s toe to think, something that doesn’t require thinking.

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  1. Assassins will still try to kill big brother.
    Its so sweet how A-Zuo switched from patron to big brother very smoothly

  2. Huehuehue
    let the battle begin. 🙂
    much gratitude is given for this tale.

  3. Hah, it's so obvious those Helian guys are going to be the first antagonists to get face slapped by our ML. As for assassins…lol, not much of a threat when our ML has been using their guild for newbie training practice. Anyway thanks for the chapter! Can't wait to see more!

    Translation Notes:

    "At this time, the feelings of reverence to Tianheng became even more passionate, and the original fires of jealous rage burned even hotter." –> "At this time, those who revered Tianheng, their gaze became more passionate, while those who felt jealous hate, the jealousy burned brighter."

    "his was also a rule established by the Gongyi Clan’s founding generation, which had already been carried out." –> Mmm, bit more like: "This was something the Gongyi Clan’s founding generation well planned for in advance, once they had established the rules." Though admittedly the difference in meaning isn't that great.

    "which forced the side branches to establish a presence in the ancestral residence." –> "preventing the side branches from entering the ancestral residence."

    Footnote 4, the sentence is actually more like: "…for broadening their horizons, and for extinguishing their ambitions to become the uncrowned kings of this young generation."

    "black could." –> "black cloud"

  4. Asdfghjkl..I’m so excited!