I Have MedicineCh43 - Killing Machine


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Translator's Note

刀山血海 – Dao shan xue hai, knives in the mountains and blood in the sea.

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  1. That last line makes me feel like the wife is really spoiling his husband, letting him do whatever he wants but attentively support on the background. Sure enough, these two are fated to be together for a lifetime.

  2. Thanks for the new chapter! GZ has gotten used to watching bloodsports real fast now, eh?

    Translation notes:

    "He wrapped his fingers around the bottle’s body and flipped it. A plump and glossy medicinal pill was shaken out and it plunged directly into his mouth." –> "He tapped the bottle's body with a finger. A plump and glossy pill emerged, popping directly into his mouth."

    "He only saw his patron’s current opponent shuddering" –> "He (GZ) only shuddered at seeing his patron's current opponent"

    "They believed that no matter how gifted Tianheng was, he wouldn’t risk his life fighting in a perilous [3] place like this." –> "They believed that no matter how gifted Tianheng was, he had never actually fought on a real battlefield before."

  3. ML is so yummy! This chapter made me think, there are so many cultivation and apocalypse novels that show a bloodthirsty world. It made me wonder. What if I were in that world? Would I kill people? And then I realized, I was a bloodthirsty little devil. ╰_╯I’m all for killing!

    I hope the MC grows a backbone soon. After all, if a little loli like me can be ok with blood and gore, what does that make the MC? Ai.


  4. This guy’s got a lot of stamina, if you catch my drift.. (▼∀▼)