I Have MedicineCh418 - Dealing With the Zhao Family, Part I


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  1. It’s a little pity GZ never got the chance to try his original plan of the space time pill, which would’ve taken him back to the modern world at the time of his departure. His parents potentially could have suffered a couple years less. Still, at least he wasn’t too late, or else the follow up quest would probably be for some kinda resurrection ritual.

    Translation notes:

    we would at most be called vicious and merciless by humanity –> we would at most be called vicious and merciless by other people. (by public opinion)

    we can make their lives so wretched they would beg for death. –> we can make their lives wretched while alive, and unable to seek death.

    At that time, the end of the Zhao Family’s would certainly leave people satisfied. –> At that time, the fates of the Zhao Family members would certainly leave them satisfied.

  2. I’m so angry!! I agree with ah-Zuo! That Zhao family deserves a fate worse than death!

    Thank you for the update!

  3. TMI this is one of the only things keeping me in this world. I love this novel. When this translation ends I’ll have one less thing to hold on to so I better fucking enjoy it.