I Have MedicineCh39 - Law of the Jungle


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Translator's Note

I don’t think I outright explained this action before, but it’s a sign of respect, equivalent to a salute or a bow.

Translator's Note

弱肉强食 – Ruo rou qiang shi, the weak are meat, and the strong do eat.

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  1. What a surprise! So she was not a rival~ Well, this is good too.

  2. Thank you so much for the update! Looking forward to Tianheng beating everybody to a pulp. Hehe

  3. Thanks for the chapter! Y'know, when GYTH said he never heard of a Han family before, I was thinking like there's like… a 60% chance she's also using a fake name like he is. She's probably also a potential harem member if this had been GYTH's story and he didn't already have GZ. ^_-

    Anyway, translation notes:

    "Patron, how couldn’t you possible see…" — Bit of a grammatical mess here. I'd suggest something like: "How could his patron not see…"

    "Young master Tianheng wants to collect the Huyuan Dojo?" — While "collect" is the literal translation here, contextually, I'd suggest something like "enlist" or "recruit".

    "If Han Yuxiu mobilized her Family’s powers nearby, would they act as a solitary force?" — That last part is probably more like… "If HYX mobilized her family, could their [referring to GYTH's group] force be isolated?"

  4. Yayayay! Kill them all!  (✪ω✪) Not as much drama as I expected. Huh.

  5. about that miss han…

    maybe it’s not that her family isn’t prominent enough, zou-zi. maybe she’s like your patron.

    i’m rereading but i forgot most of the thing so forgive me if above conjecture is true hahahaha

    thank you for the chapter!