I Have MedicineCh373 - Speculation


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  1. Of course, you leave it at the cliff-hanger…


    I also suspect that Tianheng have an inkling of Gu Zuo’s feeling and is playing fish! He’s a hunter stalking his prey!

  2. It’s probably not toooo much of a spoiler to say they’re beginning to touch on the meta-plot threading the entire the novel…though it really won’t become apparent until much later on. But for now, moar treasure hunt!

    Translation notes:

    I definitely won’t allow her to start a family with me. –> won’t allow her to become my wife. (more direct here, her goal isn’t to start a family after all)If she keeps messing around on her own turf in Jade Flame Valley, I’ll give an aggravated response. –> But if she just keeps to her turf in FJV, I won’t be bothered to pay any heed.

  3. Finally caught up with the translation….was Tianheng flirting w Ah Zuo or am i so desparate for dog food that im imagining it 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you so much for the chapter 💜💜