I Have MedicineCh372 - Origins


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  1. She made herself sketchy from the start by bein so obsessed with gyth but then again hes very handsome n talented. who wouldn’t be obsessed. Her physique is truly unnerving.

  2. Dun dun DUN, the plot thickens…

    Translation notes:

    These kid of things were all done by Mu Baizhi herself. She had only been five years old, but… –> She had only been a few years old, but… (this was still at 3)

    If it was said that she had been dictacted by instinct when she was one month old, then those deeds at five years of age were clearly premeditated. –> at 3 years of age

    It didn’t keep others in suspense, but it also didn’t toss the item book aside. –> It didn’t keep him in suspense, but it also didn’t toss him another item book. (GZ was thinking there were supplemental material, lol)

    • I went back and checked the raws. The author did make a typo, but it was in writing HLR’s name instead of MBZ. The proper age of MBZ during the white-clothed lady’s incident was, indeed, three years old.

      Thanks for the corrections! ^^

  3. Call me suspicious, but now I don’t entirely trust the brother now either. That bloodline is …

    Thank you

  4. Whoa, OK, she’s definitely a scumbag.

    It’s one thing to do it as a baby, it’s another to attack the nice lady who took care of you, eat her potential, lock her up and drink her blood. Like, whoa, her nature is so parasitic.