I Have MedicineCh370 - An Injured Person


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  1. Haha, I feel that GZ digging through his inventory for some healing pills (or even blood replenishing pills) would be more useful than trying to use cloth to staunch that hole. Still thinking too much like a mortal when under stress…

    No translation issues.

  2. 2nd last paragraph, “A weak smile appeared on his face.”

    Should be her face? Tho I dunno why would she smile while she’s dying 😥

    Ty for the chapter! 😍

  3. Isn’t she the one with that girl who’s obsessed with Tianheng? What about the boy with her then? That Mu-something-boy.

  4. Thanks for the warning in the translator’s note. People in fiction are always pulling out whatever impaled them. So many people irl must have made this mistake 😰

    Thanks for the chapter!