I Have MedicineCh367 - Cracked Psychic Core


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  1. Happy Easter! How appropriate our protagonists are still looking for eggs. =P

    Translation notes:

    among the descendants of the Shen Clan who could enter the leyline, while the two of them weren’t candidates who would modestly decline the offer, no one had any objections to these well-known figures. –> while the two of them weren’t obligatory [or indisputable] choices, they were still among the top candidates, and not many had any objections about it.

    Granted that only one in the bunch was good and the others were all dead ova, it was worth it. –> Even if only one was good…

    Contrary to what one might’ve expected, Shen Yuanxu immediately went to block it. –> Although SYX immediately went to block it, they were separated by…

    This was because, right after the Earth Worm’s tail stinger pierced He Meng’s Tianfu Acupoint, all of the pharmacist’s psychic power was being emptied. At that time, only the strength of a martial artist’s physical body could be utilized. How would a pharmacist be able to grab the Earth Worm without substantiated psychic power? –> Because after the Earth Worm’s stinger pierces a pharmacist’s acupoint, its whole body would become insubstantial due to psychic power. At that time, how could a martial artist use their physical body to grab onto the worm? [IE. SYX luckily pulled off the worm before that happened]

    However, even if there was nothing Gu Zuo could do about it, there was bound to be someone in this world capable of refining medicine that could heal psychic cores –> But even GZ couldn’t do anything about it, because in this world, there wasn’t any who could refine medicine that could heal psychic cores