I Have MedicineCh366 - Who Wins and Who Loses


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Translator's Note

摩拳擦掌 – Mo quan ca zhang, an idiom for being eager to start on a task.

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  1. Ah zuo got the date AND the “bed warming” lol I bet he’s beaming and super happy… and I bet Tianheng can see it clearly!

  2. Hahaha, the poor kid is probably going to say the worm ate/destroyed the one stone ova he foubd all this time.

    And then GZ and GTH will be like 😶😶

  3. Gu Zuo, why are you so cute???

    Wonder what our ML is thinking and such a spoiling-MC attitude (as he should have).

  4. Not much of a cliff-hanger if it’s not the protagonists’ lives at stack. I don’t think these guys are even named, lol.

    Translation notes:

    Tianheng held out his hand with a smile, and made a sweeping motion over the ground. –> over the wide tree branch.

    After that, from low crystallization to high crystallization, one wouldn’t be able to detect any medicinal fragrances, rotten odors, or other qi emissions. –> Then from those with low to high crystallization, he sensed for medicinal fragrances, rotten odors, or nothing at all.

  5. Ahaha, why is this naive Ah Zuo trying to waste opportunities?

    It’s as simple as: we both lost, so we both pay

    (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

    Thankfully Tianheng never loses

    Thanks for the chapter :3