I Have MedicineCh358 - The Truth About the Medicinal Poison


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  1. Ah, so they did become GYTH’s minions. I guess I wasn’t misremembering.

    Translation notes:

    It doesn’t matter whether they show their faces or not. –> It doesn’t matter if you reveal your face or not.

  2. Pharmacist Gu: Senior, scary, haughty and profound

    Ah-Zuo: Baby. Must Protecc.

    Hahahahahaha, so the jig is up! I liked how he explained everything, and was nice enough to offer them a way out too. Not that they would take it, these minions are here for the ride!

  3. Gu Zuo: I t was all an act, i’m not so scary! 🐰✨

    [[BaHuang City has entered the chat]][[Yang Clan has entered the chat]]…ajsjd if these folks knew this kid manifests flying saw blades and giant human meat grinders~ 😂😂 Embrace your vicious side ahzuo, the gap just makes you even cuter! 🐰🔪Thanks again for your hard work Tetra, your translations are fab as always! 🤗

  4. Guo Zuo’s little charade was unveiled by his big brother directly in front of his ‘medical slaves’ 😂 I wonder how how embarrassed he was. I know big brother didn’t do it on purpose but I still want compensation for Guo Zuo. Hmm.🤔

    I think the only sufficient redress would be for big brother to let him sit on your lap! (ಡ艸ಡ)

    No, I don’t have ulterior motives.

    ( ͡°_ ͡°) ……. ( ͡°▿ ͡°) hehe

    Thanks for the update ~♡ ( ๑>ω•́ )۶