I Have MedicineCh352 - The Auction


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    • Man it was short Tetractys thanks for the good work you make it possible for us to enjoy the story. Haah You know honestly speaking I’ve been reading some other works for a while and I think that the quality of stories has been going down, they just add to much fluff and little to no substance.

  1. The Little Hoarder is getting happy with rare medicinal ingredients and soothing his soul while big brother is in seclusion! Thanks for the chapter 🤣❤️

  2. A pretty great contrast to the last auction our MC attended, isn’t it? He has his own funds and confidence to buybuybuy now!

    Translation notes:

    Because this object is precious and a declaration has been made, the head manager has also agreed to not charge a comission fee. –> Because this object is precious and can bring reputation, the head manager of the action house has agreed not to charge a comission.

  3. I had a feeling that I should wait for one or two more chapters before reading this. It’s because I don’t listen to my other rational brain that I always go broke before the month ends and I’m dangling on this accursed cliff. 😭😭😭

  4. Thank you for the chapter, Tetra!!

    As anyone should know, the key to Ah Zuo’s heart is ingredients! Lots and lots of rare medicinal ingredients!!

  5. Seeing GZ do his own thing on his own kinda makes me smile and feel so warm….

    Thank you for the lovely chapters as always!!!